多元视角下的欣赏与实用 第三十四届世界艺术史大会第四分会场综述

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第三十四届世界艺术史大会于2016年9月中旬在北京召开。其中第四分会的主题是“欣赏与实用”[Appreciation and Utility],该分会场讨论的是一种文化如何理解艺术的功能。欣赏与实用这一对术语及其同类词历史悠久,并在诸多文化中跟“艺术作品”和“工艺品”这些有争议的术语有关。此议题的讨论不仅聚焦于艺术作品或工艺品之功能,及其作为艺术作品或手工艺品的功能是如何由其 The 34th World Art History Conference was held in Beijing in mid-September 2016. The theme of the fourth chapter is “Appreciation and Utility”, which discusses how a culture understands the function of art. Appreciative and practical terms and their equivalents have a long history and are linked in many cultures to the controversial terms “art work” and “craftsmanship.” The discussion of this topic focuses not only on the function of a work of art or handicraft, but also on how it functions as a work of art or handicraft
A methed was developed for preparing a complex of retinol acetate and 5-cyclodextrin. Three methods bell used toverify the formation of a complex betWeen letino
编者按 武警部队药品检验所,是执行国家和武警部队对药品质量监督、检验和医疗仪器检修的法定专业机构。自1995年8月建成后,他们因陋就简,艰苦创业,大胆探索,不断进取,走出了一条令人可
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Since 1999 we have developed two computational mutation approaches to ana-lyze the protein primary structure whose methodology and implications were re-viewed
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