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江苏太湖区域吴县洞庭山为我国枇杷三大名产区之一,地处北纬 31°—31°31′,位于枇杷栽培的北缘,因有太湖调节,当地年平均气温为16.1℃,年雨量为 1,205.9毫米,但每年1—2月本地区常遭受寒流、重霜的威胁,使花及幼果遭受冻害,影响当年产量。在 1958年1月中、下旬最低温度达-8.3℃,且有连续四天最低温度超过-5℃,连续十二天最低温度超过0℃,当时大部分枇杷品种已进入幼果初期,由于幼果初期的耐寒力最薄弱,因而造成大幅度低产。洞庭枇杷栽培虽有千年以上的历史,由于冻害的威胁,发展极为缓慢,因此本地区的枇杷如要保证丰产及迅速发展,必须首先解决花的越冬问题。 Dongting Mountain in Wuxian, Jiangsu Province, is one of the three major loquat producing areas in China. It is located between 31 ° -31 ° 31 ’north latitude and is located on the north edge of loquat cultivation. Due to the Taihu Lake regulation, the annual average temperature is 16.1 ℃, annual rainfall is 1,205.9 millimeters. However, from January to February each year, the region is often subjected to cold currents and the threat of heavy frost. Frost damage on flowers and young fruit affects the current production. In January 1958, the lowest temperature reached -8.3 ℃ in the middle and late ten days, and the lowest temperature exceeded -5 ℃ for four consecutive days. The lowest temperature for more than twelve days in a row exceeded 0 ℃. Most of loquat cultivars entered the early stage of young fruit, The initial cold hardiness is the weakest, resulting in substantial low yield. Although the cultivation of Dongting loquat has a history of more than a thousand years, due to the threat of frost damage, the development is very slow. Therefore, in order to ensure the high yield and rapid development of loquat in this region, we must first solve the overwintering problem of flowers.
一、引言:白菜(Brassica chinensis 及 Brassica Pekinensis)为我国特产之重要蔬菜。研究白菜阶段发育特性在蔬菜生产及种子工作上有着重大的意义。如了解不同种类品种在完
改革开放的中国,新潮迭起.继房地产热、“下海” 热、股票热之后,在全国城乡又兴起了“保险热”.人身保险、养老金保险、财产保险……,保险已成为现代人的“护身符”.在名目