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龙年岁尾,我来到了久慕其名的滇西重镇大理。车子爬过红岩坡后,一派异域风情展现眼前,树木向着一个方向倾斜,村寨房舍屋脊四角又细又尖的翘向蓝天,尤其是白族妇女们鲜艳的装戴,更给人事事新奇的感觉。想像中,那被“上关花”、“下关风”、“苍山雪”、“洱海月”等特有景致围裹中的古国大理,即将进入眼帘,难以抑制的兴奋,久久不能平静。可—到大理市,还未接触到那风、花、雪、月的美景,就被那举目可见的大理石内、外陈设。装饰和制品所倾倒了。大理人发现大理石、运用大理石.始于何年何月,我不是专门家,无从考证。但我赞叹大理石之绝美,以及大理人运用大理石为人类生活服务面之广,确是独树一帜。虽然地质学家把结晶质石灰岩统称大理石,但点 Year of the Dragon, I came to the dubious Dali West Dali. After the car climbed over Hongyanpo, an exotic show in front of the tree tilt in one direction, the four corners of the roof of the village houses thin and pointed corner of the blue sky, especially the bright white Bai women dress, but also to all things new feel. In the imagination, the ancient Dali, surrounded by unique sceneries such as “Shangguan Flower,” “Xiaguan,” “Cangshan Snow,” and “Erhai Moon,” is about to enter the sight of the irresistible excitement and can not be calm for a long time. Can - to Dali City, have not yet come into contact with the wind, flowers, snow, the beauty of the month, it was visible in the marble inside and outside the furnishings. Decorations and products were poured. Dali people found that marble, the use of marble. Since what month, I am not a specialist, no research. However, I admire the marvelous beauty of marble, and the fact that Dali people use marble to serve human life is indeed unique. Although geologists refer to crystalline limestone collectively as marble, point
1 造物主的一隅,被忘却的角落却是龙的一排鳞甲抵御严寒的外围护卫心脏的散兵线 2 你嶙峋的春你枯萎的秋是历史踏过的两个 1 corner of the Creator, the forgotten corner
Write out thee sentences,eliminating dangling participles,gerunds,infinitives,or elliptical clauses:1.Walking home from the movies,the street lights turned on.
While the eyes of the world are now focussed on outer space,moredown-to-earth scientists keep telling us that the future,economicallyspeaking,is under the sea.