In the Remains of Theory:Ethical Criticism in Contemporary Literary Studies

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伊格尔顿宣称我们现在生活在“后理论”时代。当代西方学界不乏有关理论的创新和局限的讨论。局限之一便是德里达、詹姆逊等理论家所代表的对伦理批评毫不掩饰的敌意。这种敌意有多种根源,其中最主要的根源就是理论对伦理批评的一种“误读”:伦理学总是难逃规范性的、普适性的范畴,是依赖于二元对立的意识形态的面具,所以理论与伦理在精神上格格不入。于是,任何具有理论意识的文学研究都要拒绝指涉伦理学,从而造成在当代文学话语中伦理批评的十分引人注目的缺席。作者认为,现在有必要重新思考伦理批评的内涵以及它与理论本身的关系。如果我们将伦理批评看作是一个反思性的过程,如果我们承认文本总是价值的载体和媒介,承认价值的冲突和取舍可以启发人们如何生活,那么理论的所有门派如女性主义、后现代主义和文化批评等就已经蕴涵了伦理批评的成分,不管它们自己如何否认。据此而论,伦理批评并未真正缺席,它的声音仅仅为理论的爆炸声所暂时掩盖而已。 Eagleton declared that we now live in a “post-theoretical” era. There is no lack of discussion about the innovation and limitation of theory in the contemporary western academic circles. One of the limitations is the unmistakable hostility to ethical criticism represented by such critics as Derrida and Jameson. There are many root causes of this hostility. The most important one is the “misreading” of ethical criticism by theory: ethics always escapes the normative and universal category and relies on binary opposition The ideology of the mask, so the theory and ethics are spiritually alien. As a result, any literary research with theoretical awareness should refuse to refer to ethics, resulting in a very compelling absence of ethical criticism in contemporary literary discourse. The author believes that it is necessary to rethink the connotation of ethical criticism and its relationship with the theory itself. If we regard ethical criticism as a process of reflexivity, and if we admit that text is always the carrier and medium of value, recognizing that the conflict and choice of values ​​can inspire people to live, then all sects of theory, such as feminism and postmodernism And cultural criticism, etc., already contain elements of ethical criticism, no matter how they deny themselves. According to this, ethical criticism has not really been absent, its voice is only tentatively concealed for the explosion of theory.
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