The ~(15)N NMR study of silatranes

来源 :Acta Chimica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhchg1982
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Various silatrane compounds were studied by means of ~(15)N NMR spectroscopy. Thequantum chemical calculations of some of the compounds were carried out using CNDO/2 method.The following correlations were obtained, i. e., ~(15)N chemical shifts vary linearly with Taft’s polar sub-stituent constants σ*(s) of the substituents R on the silicon atoms, and also with the net charge den-sities on the nitrogen atoms. From both experimental and theoretical aspects, it could be concluded thatthe Si←N dative bonds in a series of silatrane compounds actually exist. The chemical compounds of some of the compounds were carried out using CNDO / 2 method. The following correlations were obtained, ie, ~ (15) N chemical shifts vary linearly with Taft’s polar sub-stituent constants σ * ​​(s) of the substituents R on the silicon atoms, and also with the net charge den-sities on the nitrogen atoms. From both experimental and theoretical aspects, it could be concluded that the Si ← N dative bonds in a series of silatrane compounds actually exist.
椭圆形异形罐的主要用途是用来盛装鱼类食品。椭圆形罐头由罐盖和罐身两个零件组成,为了保证制品具有一定的寿命和质量对罐盖和罐身的底部增设加强筋(俗称膨胀 The main pu
一、连轧机动态特性 与动态数学模型 1.连轧机的动态特性 图1是机架驱动马达在阶跃给定下的过渡过程曲线,这个过渡过程也称动态过程,需用微分方程或传递函数来描述。再如图2
1980年9月,在美国芝加哥举办了二年一次的国际机床工具展览会(IMTS′80)。现将会上展出的电加工机床介绍如下。 1、Charmilles公司的F431型电火花线切割机床能切割100毫米厚