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澳大利亚能力本位课程培训的产生和推广 自始至终得到了澳大利亚联邦政府、各州和区 政府以及产业界的大力支持。之所以如此,是 因为这种新的培训体系和方法克服了澳大利 亚传统培训体系和方法的弊端,具有自身的 特点,顺应了澳大利亚教育培训积极面对全球 化的发展趋势。 能力本位培训的概念、目的和标准 能力本位课程培训(“Competency— Based Training”,简称“CBT”)顾名思义是 突出强调学员受训后应具有的实际操作能力。 显然,这一课程的目的在于提高职业现场的实 际操作水平。这里的“能力”通常用客观的能 力标准来表示。澳大利亚国家培训部将所开发 的各行业的能力标准,按其对能力水平所要求 的差异,明确地界定为八级不同的能力水平, The generation and promotion of Australia's competency-based curriculum has been supported by the Australian federal government, the state and district governments, and industry all along. This is so because the new training system and method overcome the shortcomings of the traditional Australian training systems and methods and have their own characteristics in line with the development trend of Australian education and training facing the globalization. Competency-Based Training (CBT), as its name implies, highlights the practical skills that trainees should have when they are trained. Obviously, the purpose of this course is to improve the practical level of the job site. The “ability” here is usually expressed in terms of objective competence. The Australian Department of State Training clearly defines the competency standards of the various industries developed by their ability to be differentiated as eight different levels of competency,
本文就如何贯彻执行《住宅建筑设计规范》结合城镇建筑设计中的常见问题,提出几点探讨意见。 This article puts forward several opinions on how to implement the “resi
A girl grumbled to her father about her hard life. She did not know what she had to do and wanted to give up. She felt tired for fighting and fighting. One problem has been finished but the other came
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一、国企改革要着眼于经营理念的创新 党的十五届四中全会明确提出了推进国有企业改革和发展的十条方针,这些方针是指导国有企业改革和发展的总纲。结合各地区、各行、各业、
“命题判断”型的试题一直是高考立体几何对线面关系考查的一种重要题型,这种类型的试题大多出现在选择题和填空题,解决此类问题的关键是对每个命题的判断都要到位,真命题需给出严格的推理说明,假命题要能够举出反例,此类问题的题型比较灵活,有四选一的选择题,有判断正确(或错误)的命题的个数的选择题,也有多选型的填空题。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以pdf格式阅读原文。
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柴达木30多个盐湖中 ,察尔汗以盛产钾肥而驰名。在察尔汗40年开发历史中 ,涌现出了许许多多可歌可泣的创业者。他们凭着对盐湖开发的热情和信念 ,毅然决然地来到这块既荒凉又富有
一、基本内容和学习要求 《三资企业管理》一书,共分为十五章,第一章,“三资”企业概述。总体上论述了我国发展三资企业的重要意义,以及为吸引外资,我们应采取哪些措施改善我国投