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·我国第二大冷库—北京市西南郊食品冷冻厂冷库,已实现微机分布式控制,日前通过了技术鉴定。这项科研成果是冶金部自动化研究院与该厂合作完成的。该控制系统对整个冷库进行全面综合制冷效率寻优控制,做到微机控制系统与强电系统双重保护,每月平均节电5万多千瓦小时。·广州金星仪器有限公司引进美国诺博索公司先进设备生产的CW型压力式温度控制器通过技术鉴定。经有关部门检验,其质量高于国内现有同类产品,并符合美国UL国际标准。目前产品有5大类9个系列。 · China’s second largest cold storage - cold storage plant in the southwest suburbs of Beijing, has achieved microcomputer distributed control, recently passed the technical appraisal. The scientific research is the Ministry of Metallurgical Institute of Automation completed in cooperation with the plant. The control system for the entire cold storage comprehensive optimization of cooling efficiency control, so that computer control system and the double power system protection, the average monthly saving of more than 50,000 kilowatts hours. Guangzhou Venus Instrument Co., Ltd. introduced the United States Nuobusuo advanced equipment CW pressure type temperature controller through the technical appraisal. The inspection by the relevant departments, its quality is higher than similar existing products in the country, and in line with the United States UL international standards. The current product has five major categories of 9 series.
AIM: To examine the association between interferon(IFN) therapy and loss of hepatitis B surface antigen(HBs Ag) in inactive HBs Ag carriers. METHODS: This was a
100岁寿星贾希陶,在您百岁生日到来之际,晚晴杂志社编辑部全体人员祝您:能吃能睡身体好!腿脚灵便心情好!耳聪目明精神好!每天开心生活好!万事如意一切皆好! 100-year-old lo
In this paper, the internal field distribution of higher order MDRs of water droplets is calculated and the result shows that the higher order MDRs should domi
2014年高考全国各地文综卷的历史试题,坚持用新材料、新情境考查考生基本历史素养,立足“知识在教材之内,能力在教材之外”的命题思路,既重视历史基础,考查主干知识,又重视历史基本技能的测量;既重视试题创新,测试学科能力,又体现历史学科独有的学科特点,对考生复习都具有极强的导向性作用。  一、2014年高考历史试题主要特点  1.重视基础知识,寓能力考查于通史之中  2014年高考历史试题,虽然在考查
如果爱情需要附加其他的物质条件,那我宁可不要爱情;如果爱情不附加其他的物质条件,那又用什么来维系婚姻? If love needs additional material conditions, then I would r