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消防员是平安的守护神,在和平年代,他们赴汤蹈火,英勇牺牲,在国家和人民最需要的时候挺身而出。正因为如此,这一职业的危险性也时刻存在。本刊上期刊登的俄罗斯消防史上著名的消防专家艾都阿尔德·鲁德中校在80多年前所写的《我给年轻消防队员的一些忠告》,针对消防员在救火现场的注意事项、指挥员指挥工作时的要领,以及消防员的训练和日常生活等等诸多方面,中肯地提出了他的经验之谈。文章一经刊登,立即引起了广大读者尤其是消防指战员们的共鸣。他们表示,鲁德中校的殷殷告诫,诚恳、亲切而又非常切合实际,字里行间无一不体现了老一辈消防员对年轻一代的爱护和希望,与其说这是二十三条忠告,不如说是二十三盏导航灯,它指引着年轻一代消防员前进的方向,使他们免去了不必要的弯路;它警示着年轻一代消防员冲动的神经,使他们避免了可能发生的危险;更重要的是它规范着年轻一代消防员鲁莽的个性,使他们懂得只有团结一致才能发挥最强的战斗力,官兵们由此更加认识到消防事业的伟大和艰巨,更加坚定了他们献身消防的决心。作为一名经验丰富的老消防员,鲁德中校的这些忠告可以说是他几十年工作经验的精髓所在。或许这些忠告由于时代背景、国家制度不同,并不完全适用于当今我国的消防工作,但无论相隔多少年代,所有消防员的目标都是一致的:救人于危难之中。《我给年轻消防队员的一些忠告》跨越世纪,深入人心。正是鲁德用生命来体验,才感受到消防战士生命的可贵:正是鲁德深味世间冷暖的真情,才构成了形同一脉的息息相通。在此,本刊组织刊登了部分消防指战员的来稿,他们根据鲁德中校提的建议,结合我国目前的消防制度以及消防员自身情况,从不同角度进行了一番讨论研究,我们希望这些忠告及其所引发的讨论能对我国消防制度的改革有所启迪,对在火场上浴火奋战的消防员有所帮助。希望通过对这些忠告的探讨,将一些合适的建议运用到实际工作中,从而降低消防员在火场上的伤亡率,减少火灾引起的损失。更希望通过这样的讨论能够让更多的人来关心我们的消防事业,让消防的平安精神世世代代薪火相传! Firefighters are the patron saints of peace. In peacetime, they went on fire and bravely sacrificed themselves to come forward when the nation and people needed it most. Because of this, the dangers of this occupation also exist at all times. The publication of the Russian fire history published in the famous fire expert Lieutenant Colonel 艾尔德尔德 Ludd wrote more than 80 years ago, “I give some advice to the young firefighters, firefighters at the scene for the fire precautions, directing His command of the essentials of work, as well as firefighters training and daily life, and many other aspects, put forward his experience of conversation. Once the article was published, it immediately aroused the resonance of readers, especially fire officers and men. They said that Colonel Rudd’s earnest admonition, sincerely, kindly and very realistic, did not fail to reflect the love and hope of the older generation of firefighters for the younger generation, which is not so much a warning as the 23 ones Twenty-three navigational lights, which guide the younger generation of firefighters in the direction of avoiding unwanted detours, warn the impulsive nerves of young firefighters to prevent them from possible dangers, More importantly, it regulates the reckless character of the young generation of firefighters so that they understand that only by uniting themselves can they achieve the strongest possible combat effectiveness. As a result, the officers and men have become more aware of the greatness and arduousness of the firefighting cause and strengthened their determination to dedicate themselves to firefighting. . As a seasoned veteran firefighter, Lieutenant Colonel Rudd’s advice is arguably the essence of his decades of work experience. Perhaps these advice, due to the background of the times and different national systems, are not entirely applicable to the current fire fighting in our country. However, no matter how many years apart, all firefighters have the same goal: to save lives in distress. ”My advice to young firefighters" crosses the century and enjoys popular support. It is Rude to experience life, feel the fate of the fire fighters life: it is the warmth of the deep world of Ruud deep truth, it formed the same vein of common interest. Here, our magazine publishes contributions from some firefighting officers and men who conducted discussions and discussions from different perspectives on the basis of suggestions made by Lieutenant Colonel Lode in the light of our current fire-fighting system and the situation of firefighters. We hope these suggestions And the discussions that have arisen can give some inspiration to the reform of the fire protection system in our country and help firefighters who are fought on fire in the field. Hope that through the discussion of these advice, some suitable recommendations will be applied to the actual work, thereby reducing firefighters in the field of casualties, reduce the fire caused by the loss. More hope that through such discussions to allow more people to care about our fire prevention cause, so that the fire safety spirit passed from generation to generation!
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