
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxz123123
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Objective: To establish the prognostic value of knowledge of sentinel node status in melanoma. Design: Single center prospective observational study, with sentinel nodes identified by lymphoscintigraphy, γprobe, and intraoperative blue dye and examined by both conventional histopathology and immunopathology. Setting: Specialist surgical service in west of Scotland. Participants: 482 patients with melanoma who consented to sentinel node biopsy in 1996-2003. Main outcome measure: Time to recurrence of or death from melanoma. Results: Of 472 patients who consented to sentinel node biopsy and in whom at least one sentinel node was identified, 367 (78%) had no tumour in the sentinel node. At mean follow-up of 42 months, 299 (82%) of this group were alive and free from disease, 24 were alive with melanoma recurrence, and 31 had died of melanoma. Of 105 patients with a positive sentinel node biopsy, 44 (42%) were alive and disease free, 12 were alive with recurrence, and 46 had died of melanoma. The survival difference between patients who were negative and those who were positive for tumour in the sentinel node was highly significant at all thickness levels over 1.0 mm (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that sentinel node status was independent of tumour thickness and ulceration. 71/105 (68%) patients with a positive sentinel node had a negative completion lymphadenectomy, and 44/71 (62%) were alive and disease free at follow-up; 34 patients with a positive sentinel node had further nodes involved, and only 4 (12%) were disease free (P < 0.001).16 patients (13 sentinel node biopsy positive; 3 negative) died of other causes. Conclusion: Sentinel node status is a highly significant predictor of prognosis in melanoma and should be considered in adjuvant studies. However, it should not be regarded as a standard of care until mature data from ongoing randomised trials are available.
郭靖宇是中国著名编剧、监制、导演,曾执导《刀锋1937》《高纬度战栗》《铁梨花》《打狗棍》等电视剧。  作为一名“70后”导演,郭靖宇被誉为“传奇剧王”。不过,“这次作为监制,我的一个主要目的其实是带团队,为这个行业‘造血’。”郭靖宇对记者说。  在影视圈浸淫了20多年,郭靖宇对这个行业的盲点与痛点有着很清醒的观察。面对诱惑和泡沫,他时常逆潮流而动,坚持“太容易的事不干,追风的事也不干”。  寻找
所谓“名师赋闲”,就是名师们曾经拥有的积极进取精神逐渐消退,无法充分发挥其应有的示范作用、凝聚作用和引领作用,名师空有其“名”。笔者认为,造成这种现象的主要原因有三个。    一、教师考核评价指标不完善    目前,许多地方用量化法考核教师,各学校出台量化评价方案,用分数给所有教师排名,以此作为评优、晋级、晋升的依据,但由于评价指标不完善,导致名师名不符实。真正的名师不但“德高”“身正”“艺精”,
1993年3月21日9时21分,内蒙古第二电力建设工程公司水塔处在达拉特电厂一期工程施工拆除竖井式提升机井架中,发生了井架坍塌的重大伤亡事故,造成16人死亡,二人受伤。 该电厂