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每届世界杯前一年的10月,纷繁而缭乱的国家队消息总会接踵而至,而这些消息的爆炸性、轰动性甚至会令不少球迷感到错愕和困惑,一如今夏初登伯纳乌就创下了见面会球迷人数纪录的C.罗纳尔多极有可能成为史上首位来年无缘世界杯决赛圈的头年双料先生一样。不过,现在的球迷早就对四年一轮回、泪水伴着欢笑的戏份感到枯燥乏味了,口味变得空前刁钻的他们,显然不会像八年前荷兰人被爱尔兰和葡萄牙联手做掉时那样泪水横飞,即便诞生了如伊布级别的世界杯看客,也搅不起多少波澜。无论如何,世界杯预选赛的大幕落下已然在即,为这前后持续了近三年的往事盖棺定论,也成了世界杯开幕前最后的大餐。 In the year before the previous World Cup, colorful and dazzling national team news will follow one after another. However, the explosive and sensational news of these World Cup games will make many fans feel startled and confused. The number of fans meeting to meet the record of C. Ronaldo is likely to become the first time in the history of the World Cup finals next year, missed the first couple of years. However, fans now have long been dull over the four-year cycle of tears and laughter, and their tastes have become more tricky than ever before, apparently not the case when the Dutch were jointly teamed up by Ireland and Portugal eight years ago Tears fly, even if the World Cup, such as the birth of Ibrahimovic watcher, but also can not afford to stir up many waves. In any case, the curtain of the World Cup qualifiers fall already around the corner, which is the final feast before the opening of the World Cup.