Non-uniform distribution of gas-solid flow through six parallel cyclones in a CFB system: An experim

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In large-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers, it is common to use multiple cyclones in parallel for the capture of solids, assuming that gas-solid flow to be the same in the cyclones. This article presents a study investigating gas-solid flow through six parallel cyclones in a CFB cold test rig. The six cyclones were located asymmetrically on the left and right walls of the riser. Solid volume fraction and particle velocity profiles at the riser outlets and in the horizontal ducts were measured using a fiber optical probe. Cyclone pressure drop and solid circulating rate were measured for each individual cyclone. Measurements showed good agreement as to the non-uniform distribution of the gas-solid flow, which occurred mainly across the three cyclones on one side: the middle cyclones on both sides had higher particle velocities. Conversely, the solid volume fractions, solid fluxes and solid circulating rates of the middle cyclones were lower than those of the other four cyclones. The apparent reason for the flow non-uniformity among the cyclones is the significant flow non-uniformity at the riser outlets. Under typical operating conditions, the solid volume fractions at the riser outlets had a deviation of up to 26% whereas the solid circulating rates at the stand pipes, 7%. These results are consistent with most other studies in the literature. In large-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers, it is common to use multiple cyclones in parallel for the capture of solids, at that gas-solid flow to be the same in the cyclones. This article presents a study investigating gas-solid flow through six parallel cyclones in a CFB cold test rig. The six cyclones were located asymmetrically on the left and right walls of the riser. Solid volume fraction and particle velocity profiles at the riser outlets and in the horizontal ducts were measured using a fiber optical probe. Cyclone pressure drop and solid circulating rate were measured for each individual cyclone. Measurements showed good agreement as to the non-uniform distribution of the gas-solid flow, which occurred mainly across the three cyclones on both sides had higher particle velocities. Conversely, the solid volume fractions, solid fluxes and solid circulating rates of the middle cyclones were lower than those of the other four cyclo nes. The apparent reason for the flow non-uniformity among the cyclones is the significant flow non-uniformity at the riser outlets. Under typical operating conditions, the solid volume fractions at the riser outlets had a deviation of up to 26% compared the the solid circulating rates at the stand pipes, 7%. These results are consistent with most other studies in the literature.
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