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2013年上映的电影《偷书贼》(The Book Thief)改编自澳大利亚作家Markus Zusak的同名小说。据Markus自述,他的写作灵感来源于幼时父母所讲的二战经历——城市被轰炸过后的凄惨景象,纳粹对犹太人惨无人道的暴行等。Markus对其中的一幕印象格外深刻:慕尼黑的一个白人男孩给被迫游街的犹太老人送了一块面包,结果遭到了纳粹士兵的毒打。Markus从中认识到,尽管纳粹的行径令人发指,但世上始终不乏善良之人;人类的暴戾与善良在战火中并存,这就是人性的本质。可惜,小 The Book Thief, released in 2013, was adapted from the novel of the same name by Australian writer Markus Zusak. According to Markus, his writing was inspired by the experiences of his parents in World War II - the miserable scene after the city was bombed and the Nazi inhuman atrocities against the Jews. Markus was particularly impressed with the scene: a white boy in Munich sent a loaf of bread to the Jewish elderly who were forced to take a walk, and the result was beaten by Nazi soldiers. Markus realized from this that although the Nazi act was an outrageous person, there are always many good people in the world. The violent human beings and good beings co-exist in the war, and this is the nature of human nature. Unfortunately, small
The benchmark testing of nuclear data plays an important role in the application of the evaluated nuclear data library (ENDL) in nuclear engineering. A systemat
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1 Introduction A cryostat with 4 QWR cavities inside will be installed in BRIF project. The cryostat provides 4.2 K low temperature environment for 4 cavities.