心有猛虎 细嗅蔷薇——记第二届杀虫剂发展与推广应用交流会

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随着环保安全政策要求的不断升级和科学技术的不断发展,农药品种结构升级换代加快,这其中,杀虫剂结构调整是三大类农药品种类中调整幅度最大的品类,杀虫剂的应用市场一直保持健康稳定发展,许多高效低毒的环境友好型农药得到广泛的推广使用。然而,目前我们也面临着开发农药创制创新难度越来越大、不合理使用农药导致抗药性不断增强等问题的严峻挑战。如何创制绿色农药、新作用机制的农药则成为当下农药生产者的重中之重。3月24-25日由中国植物保护学会植保产品推广工作委员会、中国农业科学院植物保护研究所和《农药市场信息》传媒联合主办的植保系列专题会议之“第二届杀虫剂发展与推广应用交流会”为你带来了一场权威专业的知识与技术的盛宴。 With the escalating requirements of environmental protection and safety policies and the constant development of science and technology, the structure of pesticide varieties has been upgraded and replaced rapidly. Among them, the structural adjustment of pesticides is the most widely adjusted category among the three major types of pesticide products. The application of insecticides The market has been maintaining a healthy and steady development and many highly efficient and low toxicity environmentally friendly pesticides have been widely promoted. However, at present, we are also facing the serious challenge of developing more and more difficult pesticide innovation and creation and unreasonable use of pesticides leading to the rise of drug resistance. How to create green pesticides, the new mechanism of pesticides has become the top priority of pesticide producers. March 24-25 from the China Plant Protection Society Plant Protection Product Promotion Committee, Institute of Plant Protection Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the “Pesticide Market Information” media jointly organized the theme of plant protection series “The second pesticide development and promotion Application Conference ”brings you an authoritative and professional knowledge and technology feast.
按通常理解,车主为机动车辆买了保险后,出事造成的损失自然应由保险公司赔偿,可在实践中,部分车主投保的车辆出事后,向保险公司索赔时,却遭到了拒绝,这是为何呢? 例一:2001
作文题目题目:季节要求:除诗歌外,文体不限,不少于800字。 Composition Title Title: Seasonal requirements: In addition to poetry, the style is not limited to less t
编辑同志: 去年5月,丈夫以与我没有感情为由要求同我离婚。离婚后不久,作为发包方的村委会要收回我尚在承包的土地,理由是我与丈夫离婚后,已经不是他们村的人。我当即表示不
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