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A good presentation:It’s not all about technique At training seminars~1 on idea development for new next-generation enterprises and products,there are times when I ask for participants to divide into several teams and give presentations to present their ideas.At one particular company,I was observing this type of presentation.One time,there was a team who made a presentation that included the results of an original survey they had conducted.They had even devised a way for the survey A good presentation: It’s not all about technique At training seminars ~ 1 on idea development for new next-generation enterprises and products, there are times when I ask for participants to divide into several teams and give presentations to present their ideas. At least one particular company, I was observing this type of presentation. One time, there was a team who made a presentation that included the results of an original survey they had conducted. They had even devised a way for the survey
粘结磁致伸缩材料是由Terfenol D粉末与树脂粘结剂混合固化而成。TbDyFe粉末颗粒的大小 ,树脂的粘度系数 ,树脂的配比及磁场中的取向都对粘结磁致伸缩材料的磁致伸缩性能产生
Learning how to be a good learner is important.I have some ideas to share with you.First of all,you should believe in yourself.Nothing is impossible for a willi
DC 是目前发现的功能最强的抗原提呈细胞,其功能独特之处在于能激活初始型 T 细胞。随着 DC 体外大量培养技术的成熟,有关 DC 的研究结果日益增多,极大地丰富了基础与临床免