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本文从《钢结构设计原理》课程的几个关键知识点出发,探讨了教学中如何把握重点,使学生通过知识点的学习,建立起对钢结构体系的总体认识,从而把握《钢结构设计原理》的整体理论知识与应用。同时探讨了在现代的多媒体教学中,如何充分发挥多媒体教学的优势,使得学生在进行《钢结构设计原理》的课堂学习后,能具备一定的实践能力。 Based on several key points in the course of “Principles of Steel Structure Design”, this article explores how to grasp the key points in teaching so that students can gain a general understanding of steel structure system through knowledge points so as to grasp the principle of “Steel Structure Design ”The overall theoretical knowledge and application. In the meantime, how to give full play to the advantages of multi-media teaching in modern multi-media teaching is to enable students to have some practical ability after they have conducted the classroom study of “Principles of Steel Structure Design.”
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小熊、小狗这样司空见惯的玩具已经吸引不了我们的眼球了,不过这样嘻哈的小胶人呢,是不是让你觉得很 Cubs, puppies such toys have not been able to attract our attentio
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