An Early Bird or the Night Owl?

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  T here is only so much time in the day. If you want to get more done, you really have two choices…Stay up late. Or get up early. Which are you… an Early Bird or the Night Owl?
  Productive Birds of a Feather
  You have the same amount of time each day as everyone else. If you want to reach your goals and dreams you have to be willing to pay the price. That sacrifice often involves giving up something. Sometimes it is your time. Sometimes it is money. And sometimes it is sleep. One of the best times to get ahead and be “in the zone” is when everyone else is sleeping. Get up early. Or stay up late. Those are your choices.
  Early Birds: Working Before Others Get Up
  “I am an early bird. I often get asked when I get my writing work done. The simplest answer is that I do it before everyone else gets up. I usually get up at 4AM and work until the rest of the house wakes up. I find that working first thing in the morning gets my day going. Getting a head start on the rest of the world, just feels good.”
  Many people use the excuse that they can’t get up early. Maybe they are night owls…
  Night Owls: Working With the Moon
  Other people prefer to stay up long after the rest of the world has crashed out. They work by the moonlight. They may be more productive at midnight than they are at noon. Just make sure that if you stay up late that you are being productive. (Not watching mindless TV or endlessly surfing the Net.)
  Work While Others Are Sleeping
  It doesn’t matter which productivity bird represents your work style. They both can work. It depends on your environment and energy levels. Do you have the drive to get up early or stay up late? While others are dreaming, make your dreams real.
  Ask yourself, “What do you want more than a little extra sleep?”
  Are you a night owl or an early bird?
本文从一个例题入手,探讨了关于奇异函数或由奇异函数与其它函数组合的复合函数的微分问题,着重讨论了δ(t)函数的特殊性,推导了δ[(t)]函数与δ(t)函数之间关系的一个公式。 In this