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远眺离石,五彩缤纷的街灯、霓虹灯星星点点,高大的建筑物巍然耸立,参差错落,远近有致,构成一幅美妙无比的图画。离石区作为吕梁市政府所在地,近年来,以“解放思想,扩大开放”为主线,坚定“发展,服务”主题,加快实现四大突破,积极推动四化建设,成为全市转型跨越发展进程中的领跑者。展望离石,伟业催人奋进,离石人民正坚定信心,铿锵前行,大踏步迈进转型跨越发展新时代。 Overlooking the distance from the stone, colorful street lights, neon lights little, tall buildings towering, uneven, near and far, constitute a wonderful picture. In recent years, with the theme of “emancipating the mind and expanding opening up”, Lishi District has firmly adhered to the theme of “development and service”, accelerated the realization of the four major breakthroughs and actively promoted the construction of the “Four Modernizations”, becoming the city’s transformation Leap in the process of development leader. Looking out of the stone, Albert Yejin inspiring, people are steadfast confidence Lishi, sonorous forward strides forward transformation across a new era.
Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviabl
Holiday spending could signal the dawn of a new growth era O ctober 2 was a day that Lin Chaoyue, a civil servant in Beijing, had long awaited. After hav- ing b
1 概况 内环线是环绕上海市中心区的快速干道,全长47.66km。全线分为4段2桥,即西南段、内环一期段、东北段、浦东段和杨浦、南浦大桥。其中浦西部分为全线连续高架道路。 内
已制成 2 0 0 m W,980 nm抽运掺铒光纤放大器的激光器模件。将二极管激光器与单模光纤连接 (不用环氧树脂或低温焊料 ) ,使其适于海底和陆上通信系统。梯度折射率分离约束异
Using a semiconductor fiber ring laser, a novel method for the all optical wavelength conversion based on dual pump four wave mixing (FWM) in a semiconducto