Chronological Records of Li Anzhai and Yu Shiyu

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In the history of Chinese ethnolo-gy, Li Anzhai and Yu Shiyu were not only life partners, but also an important academic married couple, especially in Tibetology.Li Anzhai was not only a representative in frontier research in China , but also a core figure in the West China school of Anthropology .He also has an important position in the history of mod academics . Yu Shiyu had an extremely rich talent for languages , and was good at sorting out bibliographies .Moreo-ver, she was interested in field investigation , which laid a solid foundation for her research on Tibetology .She also provided important support for Li Anzhai’ s fieldwork in Tibetan areas.The cou-ple ’ s academic life blended with each other , and they could be regarded as “two birds with the same destination” ( tianya tongming niao) .
The life of this couple can help us understand that their life was both manifested and hidden from view by the times, and their academic life was both created and destroyed by the times .With regard to their academic position and social impact , it was a pity that their academic research did not meet the expectation of academic circles . Within various works related to the review of the history of the dis-ciplines, the couple was always included , in spite of the fact that the introductions to them were al-ways very simple .Although they are mentioned in some sporadic works , most of these works are only introductory articles or book reviews . Up until now, no one has systematically researched their life and academic thought .Hence, the author, by combing through various documents and archives , gives a chronological record of Li Anzhai ’ s and Yu Shiyu ’ s life story and academic achievements in order to provide basic historical data for academ-ic circles to carry out further research on the histo-ry of the discipline .
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一、耐久跑教学情景分析  (一)耐久跑单元构建特点  耐久跑是一种持续时间较长的有氧运动。它对场地器材没有过高的要求,且技术成分相对简单,但它又贯穿于学校体育教学的全过程,每学期都要有一定的学练课时。教学上一般采用“跑圈”的方式,但这种方式学生易感枯燥,体验差;而采用设置“情景”的方式,从长期来说,不利于激发学生练习的主动性。单元构建上,能有效激发学生练习主动性、积极性的教法较少。  (二)耐久跑
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