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“2006绿色中国年度人物”2006年12月9日揭晓,发布中国第一份绿色GDP核算研究报告的绿色GDP课题研究小组获得了特别奖。课题组代表透露,绿色GDP的核算并没有获得所有省份的支持,“绿色GDP至今还没有在地方政府层面取得共识。就在这两天,已经有一些省市要求退出试点。”(2006年12月10日《新京报》)一些省市要求退出绿色GDP核算试点,或许与绿色GDP核算当前尚处试点阶段有关,即进行该种核算尚未上升为一项强制性要求。但是勿庸置疑的是,当绿色GDP的统计调查经试点日趋完备,技术方法成熟、相关制度健全之后,各地就不应享有参加绿色GDP核算与否的选择权,即绿色GDP核算应该成为一项针对所有地方政府的强制性标准与要求。 The “2006 Green China People of the Year” announced on December 9, 2006 that the green GDP research team that released China’s first green GDP accounting study report won a special prize. The representative of the research group disclosed that the calculation of green GDP has not won the support of all provinces and that “green GDP has not reached a consensus on the level of local government so far. In the past two days, some provinces and cities have requested to quit the pilot.” (2006-12 Beijing News on January 10) Some provinces and cities requesting to withdraw from the green GDP accounting pilot may be related to the pilot phase of green GDP accounting currently, in which such accounting has not yet risen to a mandatory requirement. However, there is no doubt that after the green GDP survey is getting more and more complete, the technical methods are ripe and the related systems are sound, all localities should not have the right to choose whether to participate in green GDP accounting. That is, green GDP accounting should become one Mandatory standards and requirements for all local governments.
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