内强素质 外树形象 行风评议 初显成效 全省劳动保障系统民主评议行风总结动员大会在莆田召开

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2002年7月23日省厅在莆田召开全省劳动保障系统民主评议行风工作2001年总结和2002年动员大会。全省九个设区的市劳动保障局局长、分管行评工作的副局长和厅领导、厅机关处室和直属单位负责人30余人出席了会议。会议由钟维平副厅长作《总结经验,全面部署,扎实推动全省劳动保障系统行风建设》的重要讲话。会议首先对2001年全省劳动保障系统民主评议行风工作进行了总结和表彰。会议认为2001年我省劳动保障系统认真贯彻省政府、省纪委关于纠风工作的部署,从实践江总书记“三个代表”要求的高度,充分认识加强行风建设的重大意义,把劳动保障系统行风建设当作一件大事,放在全局工作之中研究部署,立足实际,注重实效,内强素质,外树形象,通过层层发动营造行评氛围,积极开展自查自纠,主动认真抓好边整边改,促进了行风建设水平不断提高,有力地推动了劳动保障事业的全面发展,得到了社会各界和广大群众的良好评价,取得了明显成效。经考评,全省9个设区市劳动保障部门的行风状况满意率, On July 23, 2002, the ministry held the 2001 review of the work on democratic appraisal of the labor and social security system in Putian and the mobilization meeting in 2002. The city's nine districts of the Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security, deputy director in charge of evaluation work and hall leadership, offices and offices directly under the unit responsible for more than 30 people attended the meeting. Meeting by Zhong Weiping, deputy director for “summary of experience, comprehensive deployment, and solidly promote the construction of labor insurance system across the province,” an important speech. At first, the conference summarized and commended the work of democratic appraisal of the labor and social security system throughout the province in 2001. The meeting held that the labor security system of our province conscientiously implemented the deployment of rectification work by the provincial government and the provincial Commission of Discipline Inspection in 2001. From the perspective of practicing General Secretary Jiang's demand of “three represents,” we fully understand the great significance of strengthening the practice of business conduct, As a major event, we should ensure that the work style of the system is as a major issue and conduct research and deployment on the overall work. Based on actual conditions, we should lay stress on actual results, strengthen internal quality and create a glorified atmosphere. We should actively carry out self-examination and self-correction, Took the initiative to earnestly grasp the issue of rectifying and reforming the border while promoting the continuous improvement of the style of the trafford, vigorously promoted the all-round development of the labor and social security undertaking, got a good evaluation from all walks of life and the general public and achieved remarkable results. After evaluation, the province's 9 districts and municipalities labor security sector line of business conditions satisfaction rate,
对水井及其水管进行消毒,以消灭可能存在的细菌,是完井工作最后必不可少的工序。用于钻进和开发水井所使用的工具和材料,会受到污物和细菌的污染,在整个钻井 Disinfecting