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根据华东区职业中毒协作会的精神,参照1965年中央卫生部统一规定的光电比色法,对本省龙溪、三明、龙岩、宁德、莆田五个地区1195例健康人群进行全血CHE活力测定,现将结果报告如下。一、测定对象:为无肝炎、贫血、甲亢等病史和没有接触过有机磷的健康工人357例,农民381例,学生306例,解放军151例。其中男808例,女387例。年龄16—60岁。此外,还选择37例男女中学生作全血CHE活力季节性变化的观察,选择90例非农药工人作全血CHE活力与血色素关系的观察。二、结果与讨论: 1.1195例全血CHE活力基本上属于正态分布。男女活力存在有明显差异。男为346.1±34.8单位,女为318.8±35.8单位,t值为12.11,与本院1966年测定值相近,说明十年多来我省健康人群的全血CHE活力无明显的变化。 2.个体全血CHE活力差异较大,最高值大于最低值一倍,这与浙江省的报告相一致的。因此,在引用正常值作为判断依据时,还应注意参考 According to the spirit of the East China Association of Occupational Poisoning, with reference to the unified photoelectric colorimetric method prescribed by the Central Ministry of Health in 1965, whole blood CHE activity was measured in 1195 healthy people in Longxi, Sanming, Longyan, Ningde and Putian, The results reported below. First, the determination of objects: for the absence of hepatitis, anemia, hyperthyroidism and other medical history and have not been exposed to organophosphate health workers 357 cases, 381 farmers, 306 students, 151 PLA. There were 808 males and 387 females. 16-60 years old. In addition, 37 male and female middle school students were also selected to observe the seasonal changes of CHE activity of whole blood. 90 non-agricultural workers were selected to observe the relationship between CHE activity and hemoglobin in whole blood. Second, the results and discussion: 1.1195 cases of whole blood CHE vitality basically belongs to the normal distribution. There are obvious differences between male and female vitality. Male 346.1 ± 34.8 units, female 318.8 ± 35.8 units, t value of 12.11, and our hospital measured in 1966 similar, indicating that the province’s healthy population over the past 10 years, no significant changes in CHE vitality. 2. Individual whole blood CHE vitality difference is larger, the maximum value is greater than the minimum value of double, which is consistent with the report of Zhejiang Province. Therefore, the reference to normal as a basis for judging, should also pay attention to the reference
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