不懈奋斗 精彩嬗变——开远市建市三十周年巡礼

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开远市地处云南省东南部、红河州中东部,东接文山州,处滇越国际大通道和昆河经济带腹地,北距省城昆明220公里,323、326国道在市内交汇,国道323线向东可至广西北海,国道326线向南可至中越边境。作为滇南的战略要地、工业重镇、交通枢纽、商埠码头,开远自古就有“滇南锁钥”、“旱码头”等美誉,是中国通往东南亚各国的陆上咽喉要道。开远市国土面积1950平方公里,辖3乡2镇和2个办事处。伴随着改革开放的雄健步伐,开远市走过了灿烂辉煌的30年,各项工作取得显著成效。 Located in the southeastern part of Yunnan Province, the central and eastern Honghe Prefecture, east to Wenshan Prefecture, the Yunnan-Vietnam International Grand Crossing and the Kun River Economic Belt, 220 kilometers away from the provincial capital Kunming in the north and 323,326 national highways meet in the city, State Road 323 east to Guangxi Beihai, State Road 326 south to the Sino-Vietnamese border. As a strategic site in southern Yunnan, the industrial center, traffic hub, commercial port terminal, Kaiyuan ancient times have the reputation of “key to southern Yunnan ”, “dry dock ” and so on, is the land throat to all countries in Southeast Asia to China Road. Kaiyuan city land area of ​​1950 square kilometers, administer 3 towns 2 towns and 2 offices. With the vigorous pace of reform and opening up, Kaiyuan City has experienced a brilliant 30 years and achieved remarkable results in various fields.
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