
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghaibin123
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作为一部地方文史纪录片,《苏州史纪》不是单纯地对历史文化进行原生态摹写。创作者以对苏州丰富的历史风貌和人文内涵的深切感受为开端,在尊重客观历史事实的前提下,将机械的镜头赋予人性的目力,借由苏州朝代兴衰的历史更迭和人物起落的深情喟叹,渗入创作者的创造精神和审美追求。它不仅作为一部地方历史文化的影像全览,拓展了观众对苏州历史文化的认识和了解,还构架起历史和现实的桥梁,打开古人和今人的对话,完成了传统与现代的承继,透过苏州的历史事件和历史人物传达了真善美的价值追求。 As a local documentary of history and culture, “Historical Records of Suzhou” is not simply an original description of history and culture. Based on the profound experience of Suzhou’s rich history and humanistic connotation, the author, with respect to objective historical facts, gives the lens of human beings their humanity. With the historical changes of the rise and fall of Suzhou dynasty and the affectionate sighs of characters , Infiltrating the creator’s creative spirit and aesthetic pursuit. It not only serves as a panoramic view of the history and culture of a place, expands the audience’s understanding and understanding of the history and culture of Suzhou, but also constructs a bridge between history and reality, opens the dialogue between the ancients and the present, completes the inheritance of tradition and modernity, Through the historical events and historical figures in Suzhou convey the value pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.
随着互联网高速发展,网络广告应运而生。据统计,1999年国内站点广告营业额已达600多万美元,如果把国外开办的面向国内的站点都统计在内的话,营业额已突破3000万美元。 网络
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