Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture:an overlay network topology for discovering grid servi

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This paper presents an overlay network topology called Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture (VDHA) for discovering Grid services with high performance. Service discovery based on VDHA has scalable, autonomous, efficient, reliable and quick responsive. We propose two service discovery algorithms. Full Search Query and Discovery Protocol (FSQDP) discovers the nodes that match the request message from all N nodes, which has time complexity O(logN), space complexity O(nvg) (nvg being node numbers of each virtual group), and message-cost O(N), and Domain-Specific Query and Discovery Protocol (DSQDP) searches nodes in only specific domains with time complexity O(nvg), space complexity O(nvg), and message-cost O(nvg). In this paper, we also describe VDHA, its formal definition, and Grid Group Management Pro- tocol. This paper presents an overlay network topology called Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture (VDHA) for discovering Grid services with high performance. Service discovery based on VDHA has scalable, autonomous, efficient, reliable and quick responsive. Query and Discovery Protocol (FSQDP) discovers the nodes that match the request message from all N nodes, which has time complexity O (logN), space complexity O (nvg) (nvg being node numbers of each virtual group), and message-cost And Domain-Specific Query and Discovery Protocol (DSQDP) searches nodes in only specific domains with time complexity O (nvg), space complexity O (nvg), and message-cost O (nvg). In this paper, we also describe VDHA, its formal definition, and Grid Group Management Pro- tocol.
肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)是临沂市重点防治的自然疫源性疾病。现将 1999年全市针对鼠间感染和人群发病情况报告如下。1 材料与方法1 1 疫情资料 疫情资料来源于各县区基层医疗机
2005年上半年,金错刀开始写博客。从技术上来讲,他认为博客这两年的发展变化并不大;但从形式上看,它确实是一种具有革命性的东西。  作为经常写专栏文章的人,金错刀对博客和传统媒体专栏的差别感受颇深。他表示,以前平面媒体的专栏文章,由别人管理,但现在的决策者变成了自己—这些都是非常具有革命性的事物。因为这样可以让博主去和别人互动。因此,目前网友开博的人数越来越多,这符合大多博友的渴望互动的心态。  
笔者于1996年1月至1997年12月 ,对78例包皮过长合并尖锐湿疣患者用广西科学院应用物理研究所生产的GX -Ⅱ型多功能电离子手术治疗仪行包皮环切加疣体烧灼治疗 ,取得较好效果 ,现报道如下。1.对