An Useful Communication Mechanism for Distributed Agents-Based Intrusion Detection System

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahua_yang
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The communication mechanism plays an important role in an intrusion detection system, while it has not been paid enough attention. Based on analyzing the actual facts and expatiating upon the requirements a communication mechanism needs to meet, a message driven communication mechanism is proposed in this paper. The protocol presented here is divided into three layers: entity level, host level, and network level. The communication processes are also designed in detail. Experiments illustrate that cooperative entities can detect distributed sophisticated attacks accurately. Furthermore, this mechanism has the advantages like high reliability, low time delay and expenses. The communication mechanism plays an important role in an intrusion detection system, while it has not been paid enough attention. Based on the actual facts and expatiating upon the requirements a communication mechanism needs to meet, a message driven communication mechanism is proposed in this paper The protocol presented here is divided into three layers: entity level, host level, and network level. The communication processes are also designed in detail. Furthermore, this mechanism has the advantages like high reliability, low time delay and expenses.
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