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陕北(延安地区,榆林地区),陕西省属地管辖,位于陕西北部,自古就是一个英雄辈出的地方,从古代替父从军的花木兰到明末农民起义的领袖李自成,再到现代中国革命史上的陕甘红军,陕甘根据地南梁政府创始人谢子长,刘志丹等英雄群体,都诞生在这方热土上,他们都是中华民族家喻户晓的史诗般传奇人物,他们都深受中原文化、关中文化的洗礼陶冶。中原文化成为中华民族黄河文化的滥觞,关中文化则孕育了关中地区。关中地区,八百里秦川沃野,渭河蜿蜒流过,是中华民族的发祥之地。周、秦、汉、唐等十三个王朝在此建都,是古代中国政治、经济、军事、文化中心,深厚的历史积淀,灿烂辉煌的文化,多姿多彩的民俗,叹为观止的民间手工工艺, Northern Shaanxi (Yanan area, Yulin area), Shaanxi Province territorial jurisdiction, located in northern Shaanxi, ancient times is a heroic place, from the ancient army of Mulan to the leader of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty Li Zicheng, and then to the modern Chinese revolution In history, the heroes of the Gansu-Gansu Red Army and the founder of the Nan Liang Government in the Shaanxi-Gansu-based southern Shaanxi Province were all born in the hot land of this land. They are all well-known epic legends of the Chinese nation, Baptism and mold. The culture of the Central Plains became the sole source of the Yellow River culture of the Chinese nation while the Guanzhong culture gave birth to the Guanzhong area. Guanzhong area, 800 miles Qinchuan Woye, Weihe meandering meanders, is the birthplace of the Chinese nation. The thirteen dynasties such as Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties built their capital in this capital. They are the ancient Chinese political, economic, military and cultural centers with profound historical accumulation, splendid culture, colorful folk customs, ,
On the basis of the measurement data pertaining to waves, current, and sediment in February 2012 in the mouth bar of the Modaomen Estuary, the Soulsby formulae
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过早或过晚地收获油料作物,其结果对产量和品质都会造成一定影响。 1、大豆过早收获,子粒尚未成熟,蛋白质和脂肪的含量不高,降低含油率;过晚收获,豆荚炸裂,子粒落地减产。一
1.目的:   采用离体肠菌厌氧孵育法,以液质联用技术分离分析半夏泻心汤及不同配伍中黄酮类、皂苷类及生物碱类成分在肠道菌群作用下的代谢特征;并采用Caco-2细胞模型研究其
一、严格去杂在繁殖自交系与配制杂交种的过程中,一定要严格拔杂去劣。凡与原自交系典型性不一样的,一律清除。去杂一般进行3次: 第1次在苗期,结合间苗、定苗进行,根据自交