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自1987年起,上海各区区属工商企业为了转变经营机制,增强企业活力,按照两权分离的原则,先后推行了承包经营责任制。承包制实行时间长的已有三年,短的也近二年,经过试点、推广、逐步完善,调动了企业和职工的积极性,推动了生产的发展,增强了企业自我发展的财力和动力,也有利于国家财政收入的稳定和增长。但是,承包经营责任制作为一种经营方式,实行的时间不长,难免不够成熟,存在一定的问题有待研究解决。从笔者目前所接触到的企业来看,有基数不合理问题;有原材料、能源价格上涨企业消化不了问题;有上级行政干预过多,企业经营自主权不落实问题;有考核指标和考核办法不够完善问题;有经营者和其他领导成员与职工关系有待进一步处理好的问题等等。目前区属企业的承包期,绝大多数将于1990年到期,即使有小部分到期时间为1992年,也有许多问题 Since 1987, industrial and commercial enterprises in all subordinate districts of Shanghai have successively implemented the responsibility system of contractual management in accordance with the principle of separation of ownership and rights in order to transform their operating mechanism and enhance their vitality. The contract system has been implemented for a long period of three years, short and nearly two years. After pilot projects, promotion and gradual improvement, the enthusiasm of enterprises and staff has been mobilized, the development of production has been promoted, and the financial resources and motivation of self-development of enterprises have been enhanced. Is conducive to the stability and growth of state revenue. However, the responsibility system of contracting management as a mode of operation, the implementation of the time is not long, it is inevitable not mature enough, there are some problems to be studied and solved. From the author’s current contact with the business point of view, there is a base unreasonable problems; raw materials, energy prices can not digest the company’s problems; there is too much administrative interference at the higher level, business autonomy does not implement the problem; there are assessment indicators and assessment methods are not enough Perfect the problem; there are problems that operators and other leading members need to be further dealt with with their employees and so on. At present, most of the contracting projects of the district-owned enterprises will expire in 1990. Even if a small part of the expiration date is 1992, there are many problems
球员赞语 前国脚谢峰在谈论国家队此次世界杯外围赛的前两场比赛时说:“阿曼队是B组中实力最弱的,进攻根本没对中国队形成威胁,中国队赢了正常,实力在那儿摆着呢!”谢峰认为
引子 我喜欢看电影,好莱坞的,大片,斯皮尔伯格的或奥利弗·斯通的那种,荡气回肠的圆满结局,正气战胜邪恶的一吐为快。前一阵那部《兵临城下》挺过瘾,两位神枪手的潇洒从容使得整个
A组双龙会 “我一直有一个梦,捧起欧洲冠军杯,实现每一个足球运动员都有的梦想,站在欧洲足球的最高峰,接受世人的顶礼膜拜。然后我就可以毫无遗憾地离开我挚爱的球场;去一个没有人