
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjf1
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Background -Estrogen receptor α(ESR1) gene variation is associated with a range of important estrogen-dependent characteristics, including responses of lipid profile and atherosclerotic severity to hormone replacement therapy, coronary heart disease risk, and migraine. The roles that reproductive steroids play in cerebrovascular pathophysiology and ischemia are an important area of investigation. Given that there is a significantly higher risk of myocardial infarction among men with the CC genotype (PP of PvuII) of c.454-397T >C (rs2234693), we asked whether this genotype is associated with a higher risk of stroke. Methods -Relative risk of stroke by genotype was determined in 2709 participants of the Second Northwick Park Heart Study, white males with a mean baseline age 56 years and follow up 10.5 years. Results -Compared with participants with the ESR1 c.454-397CT or TT genotype, those with the CC genotype had a relative risk of stroke of 1.92 (95%confidence interval, 1.06 to 3.48, P=0.03) after adjustment for age, primary care practice; additional adjustment for body mass index, serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking status. Exclusion of stroke cases with coronary heart disease gave results that were essentially unchanged. Conclusions -In this study, subjects with the common ESR1 c.454-397CC genotype have a substantial increase in risk of stroke. In another publication, other ESR1 variation was associated with migraine. We thus hypothesize that estrogen receptor variation may provide a basis for the established re lationship among estrogens, migraine, and stroke. Background-Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) gene variation is associated with a range of important estrogen-dependent characteristics, including responses of lipid profile and atherosclerotic severity to hormone replacement therapy, coronary heart disease risk, and migraine. The roles that reproductive steroids play in cerebrovascular pathophysiology and ischemia are an important area of ​​investigation. Given a significant higher risk of myocardial infarction among men with the CC genotype (PP of PvuII) of c.454-397T> C (rs2234693), we asked whether this genotype Methods-Associated risk of stroke by genotype was determined in 2709 participants of the Second Northwick Park Heart Study, white males with a mean baseline age 56 years and follow up 10.5 years. Results -Compared with participants with the ESR1 c.454-397CT or TT genotype, those with the CC genotype had a relative risk of stroke of 1.92 (95% confidence interval, 1.06 to 3.48, P = 0.03) after adjustment for age, primary care practice; additional adjustment for body mass index, serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking status. Exclusion of stroke cases with coronary heart disease gave results that were essentially unchanged. Conclusions -In this study, subjects with the common ESR1 c.454-397CC genotype have a substantial increase in risk of stroke. In another publication, other ESR1 variation was associated with migraine. There therefore hypothesize that estrogen receptor variation may provide a basis for the established re lationship among estrogens, migraine, and stroke.
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从海南省农业厅获悉,中国南繁网(http://www.zg-nanfan.cn)近日开通试运行。今后,来海南育种的企业和科研单位可在网上登记了。 Learned from the Hainan Provincial Depart
BACKGROUND: It is suspected that dissociation, destruction or synthetic disorder of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) may participate in secondary injury
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从前有一群熊猫,家住青竹湾。  青竹湾是一片小小的竹林。一丛丛的青竹,就像熊猫们忠实可靠的伙伴,在它们饥饿时会变成粮食,寒冷时会变成温暖的竹舍,心里高兴或难过时还会变成细长的竹笛,轻轻吹起,便传出美妙的音乐。  有一年,因为一场大旱(hàn)灾,林子里的竹笋再也长不起来,每天都有成年的竹子活不下去,慢慢地倒下,熊猫们不得不逃离家园,到别处求生。  一棵竹就是一个珍贵的生命,熊猫们实在不愿让竹林就这