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毛主席、各位委员、各位同志:当此中人民政府委员会讨论全国财政概算的时候,我仅将一九五零年东北的财政经济计划,作一简要报告。第一、先说一点东北的财政经济状况。东北四年来(从一九四六年开始)的财经工作。总的说,是随着军事、政治的发展而发展的,是从以全力支持东北人民解放战争胜利转到以全力恢复生产支持全国。具体的说,在财政上,是从逐渐减少庞大赤字,达到力争收支平衡,是从分散到统一,从战时财政转到建设财政。在物价上,是从不断的上涨与大波动,达到力争相对的稳定。在金融上,是从大量发行走到减少发行,以至财政完全不靠发行。在生产上,是从先掌握乡村 Chairman Mao, Members and Comrades: When the Central People’s Government Committee discussed the national budgetary estimates, I only made a brief report on the financial and economic plans for Northeast China in 1950. First, let me talk a bit about the financial and economic conditions in the Northeast. In the four years (from 1946 onwards) finance and economics work in the northeast. Generally speaking, it has developed along with military and political developments. It has shifted from fully supporting the victory of the Northeast People’s Liberation War to fully restoring production support to the entire country. Specifically speaking, from the fiscal point of view, we can gradually reduce the huge deficit and strive to strike a balance between revenue and expenditure, from dispersion to reunification and from wartime finance to construction finance. In terms of price, it is constantly rising and fluctuating to strive to achieve relative stability. From a financial point of view, it is going from a mass issuance to a reduction in issuance, with the result that the financial sector does not rely on the issuance at all. In production, from the first master the country
1  老张接到市干部学院的教学部主任老冯的电话,说是干部学院有一个短期干部培训班,热情地邀请他去讲一课。老张在电话里客气地婉拒,作家到干部学院讲课,能讲什么?老冯说你不要有畏难情绪,我们学院的培训课程也在改革,除了学院老师讲,还请各行业知名人士来讲,有讲经济的,有讲网络的,还有讲历史的,就差你一个文学的了。老张还是客气,认为自己的水平不够格,哪里讲得了。可是老冯认定老张能讲,死心塌地地邀请老张。 
[目的]观察血小板型12-脂氧合酶(p12-LOX)在胃癌SGC-7901细胞中的表达及黄芩素(Baicalein,Bai)对胃癌SGC-7901细胞血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEG
目的 探讨颈髓损伤呼吸机机械通气患者纤支镜吸痰的护理.方法 总结46例颈髓损伤肺不张呼吸机机械通气患者纤支镜吸痰的疗效及护理.护理的重点为术前做好心理护理及术前准备,
历史上,君王怕臣子的情形虽不多见,但也并非绝无仅有。其中,最典型也最微妙的莫过于刘彻与汲黯的关系。  汲黯“性倨,少礼,面折,不能容人之过。合己者善待之,不合己者不能忍见,士亦以此不附焉。然好学,游侠,任气节,内行修絜,好直谏,数犯主之颜色,常慕傅柏、袁盎之为人也。”从司马迁的评述来看,汲黯大约属于那种冷峻刻薄的人物,为人庄重耿直不合群,为政秉公直言不盲从,行事风格也异于常人。古代的谏官,大多以讽