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国家中医药管理局、国家医药管理局、卫生部、国家工商行政管理局于4月10日发出了《关于印发整顿中药材专业市场标准的通知》。 通知要求,各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品生产经营行业主管部门、卫生行政部门、工商行政管理部门要广泛宣传该通知,及时将《整顿中药材专业市场的标准》印发给本地中药材专业市场开办单位,各开办单位要按照《标准》对现有中药材专业市场进行自查整顿,并将自查整顿情况报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品生产经营行业主管部门、卫生行政部门、工商行政管理部门,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品生产经营行业主管部门、卫生行政部门、工商行政管理部门要联合组织对各中药材专业市场的检查验收。 The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the State Administration of Medicine, the Ministry of Health, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued on April 10 a Notice on Printing and Distributing Professional Market Standards for the Rectification of Chinese Medicinal Materials. The notification requires that the competent departments of the pharmaceutical production and operation industries, the administrative departments for health, and the administrative departments for industry and commerce of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government should widely publicize the notice and promptly issue the “Standard for the Rectification of Professional Markets for Chinese Medicinal Materials” to the local professional market for Chinese medicinal materials. The units and the start-up units shall carry out self-examination and rectification of the existing markets for the traditional Chinese medicinal materials in accordance with the “Standards”, and report the situation of self-examination and rectification to the competent departments of the pharmaceutical production and operation industries of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the administrative departments for health, and the administration of industry and commerce. Departments, provincial, autonomous region, and municipality’s people’s governments’ drug production and trade industry authorities, health administrative departments, and industry and commerce administrative departments shall jointly organize the inspection and acceptance of various professional markets for Chinese medicinal materials.
2002年12月1日“国际艾滋病日”的宣传主题是“Live,and let Live”,即“相互关爱,共享生命”。艾滋病病毒感染者(包括病人和病毒携带者),是艾滋病的传染源,要控制艾滋病的
肝肾囊肿患者一般无症状,多在体检时发现。对此不必过于恐惧。 肝囊肿分为寄生虫性与非寄生虫性两种。前者主要是肝包虫病,多发于牧区牧民;后者多是先天性的,由于肝内小胆管
一时间,频频被曝光的医药代表与医生之间黑心交易,致使药品价格一升再升,价格居高不降的现象,将受法律约束。 For a time, the black-hearted trade between pharmaceutica
小白鼠24小时内口服口疮灵漱口液8g/kg(相当于临床每日用量的270倍),连续观察7天,未见不良反应。对小鼠未见吸收毒性反应;对家兔结膜及皮肤无刺激作用;对豚鼠无致敏作用。 The mice