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The images recorded by a ground-based telescope are often degraded by atmospheric turbulence and the aberration of the optical system. Phase diversity-based blind deconvolution is an effective post-processing method that can be used to overcome the turbulence-induced degradation. The method uses an ensemble of short-exposure images obtained simultaneously from multiple cameras to jointly estimate the object and the wavefront distribution on pupil. Based on signal estimation theory and optimization theory, we derive the cost function and solve the large-scale optimization problem using a limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method. We apply the method to the turbulence-degraded images generated with computer, the solar images acquired with the swedish vacuum solar telescope (SVST, 0.475 m) in La Palma and the star images collected with 1.2-m telescope in Yunnan Observatory. In order to avoid edge effect in the restoration of the solar images, a modified Hanning apodized window is adopted. The star image still can be restored when the defocus distance is measured inaccurately. The restored results demonstrate that the method is efficient for removing the effect of turbulence and reconstructing the point-like or extended objects.
In this Letter, we find that Morse potential (proposed about 90 years ago) could be connected to Coulomb potential (or Newton potential) and harmonic potential (or Hooke potential) by conformal mappings. We thereby design a new conformal lens from Morse p
对于非合作目标的中程距离测量, 从测距范围、测量精度、速度和可靠性的折衷方面来讲, 脉冲相位式激光测距法优于常规的脉冲法测距和连续波相位法测距。在脉冲相位式激光测距中提出采用连续发射的正弦调制脉冲信号提高发射激光的峰值功率以提高测程, 但发射激光的平均功率被保持很低保证了发射激光对人眼的安全。同时根据硅雪崩光电二极管(Si-APD)噪声谱密度理论, 设计了具有温度补偿和反馈电阻噪声补偿的激光测距仪前放接收模块, 详细分析了背景光, 反向高压和反馈电阻对于Si-APD接收性能的影响。实验表明:根据该方法设计
提出了一种新的表征方法——膜电位测量。膜电位恢复时间与膜穿孔尺寸相对应,因此建立起细胞膜穿孔尺寸的大小与激光能量阈值之间的关系,可为准确地向细胞内递送不同分子量的外源物质提供理论支持。将金纳米颗粒与胃癌细胞共同培养,在保证细胞不受金纳米颗粒毒性影响的前提下,选择不同能量纳秒脉冲激光照射共孵育后的胃癌细胞,并采用碘化丙啶(PI)和钙黄绿素乙酰甲酯(Calcein-AM)对穿孔后的细胞进行染色验证。结果发现:当加入直径为100 nm的金纳米颗粒,其数量与细胞数比为400∶ 1,激光能量密度在20 mJ/cm
In this study, the conversion efficiency (CE) of a core/shell quantum dot (QD) with type-II structure is studied by the detailed balance model. In particular, a size dependent strain effect caused by the lattice mismatch is considered since the CE under t
This paper focuses on the preparation of a new extended set of calibrations of cooling rate (fictive temperature) in fused silica determined by inelastic light scattering and its subsequent use to characterize the local cooling rate distribution in ultra-