The Application of Body Language in Primary English Teaching

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xialiaoj
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  【Abstract】All schools, especial primary schools, take measures to improve the level of English teaching.For primary English teaching, students acquire language knowledge by body language because of students’ low level of English and the limited vocabulary.The combination of body language and teaching content can make students master English effectively.This paper mainly discusses the definition and the concrete applications of body language.
  【Key words】Body Language; Primary English Teaching; the Applications of Body Language
  1. Definition
  Body language which is an important medium to communicate in modern life is expression and movement of auxiliary language communication in the process of communication.It is non-verbal language and a symbol of consisting of facial expression, eye contact, gesture and posture.“once the body language was lost, a baby could not have grown into a normal person, ”once said Fen Lafle Angles, a body language expert.In fact, adolescents also like this.In primary English teaching, body language plays an increasing crucial role in fostering students’ abilities.
  2. Applications
  2.1 The Application of Body Language in Classroom Teaching
  To help students establish a good English environment, teacher should try to impart pupils amount of knowledge in oral English.Teacher uses body language in classroom teaching.For example, when pupils learn Unit1 Hello in Oxford English for Grade1, teacher teaches pupils to introduce themselves and greet to others by body language.This unit mainly teaches pupils some daily expressions, for example, hello, good morning, what’s your name and my name is...For pupils in Grade1, they meet classmates and teachers at the first time.So they should introduce themselves each other to know them as classmates.
  2.2 The Application of Body Language in Word Teaching
  There are many words in English book of primary school.The word is a small unit in the system of linguistic knowledge, but it’s difficult for pupils to master words.A way of learning English that pupils watch the cards and read the words repeatedly is tedious and boring to them.With the help of body language to teach words, the teacher can make pupils active and enhance their interest in order that pupils can remember words quickly and firmly.The teacher does some demonstrative actions and lets pupils guess words.Then pupils have mastered these words in no time after they say words and do movements with the teacher together.For example, when the pupils learn Unit 1 This Is My Hand in New Standard English for Grade 2, some words which are symbols of body are taught to pupils, the teacher can guide pupils to learn these new words through pointing to his eye, nose, ear and head.Learning words is terrific essential for English learners what water is necessary for human being.   2.3 The Application of Body Language in Sentence Teaching
  The intuitive and interesting teaching methods in the process of learning depend on pupils’ psychological and physiological characteristic.For different grades, teacher uses different teaching methods of body language.By using different methods, students can comprehend learning content intuitively and even directly learn the second language through body language instead of employing mother language to learn.It’s very difficult for students to understand English sentences.But if the teacher employ body language in the English teaching appropriately, it can help students comprehend sentences and enhance memorizing effect.For example, when pupils learn Unit1 Hello in Oxford English for Grade1, teacher teaches pupils to introduce themselves and greet others by body language.This unit mainly teaches pupils some daily expressions and some sentences about that I am...When the teacher teaches the sentence, first of all, he can put a card on his head, the card is written a boy’s name“Ken”and say“Hello, I am Ken.”And then he does the same actions.He also can put a card on his head, the card is written a girl’s name“Ann”and say“Hello, I am Ann.”He repeats this body language for many times so that junior students in primary school can deepen understanding to English sentence“Hello, I am...”.
  3. Conclusion
  In short, what has been analyzed above, we may safely come to a conclusion that body language plays a tremendous role in primary school teaching.The appropriate and reasonable applications of body language can make the teaching methods become more flexible and changeable, and the effect of teaching improve remarkably.Teacher should make the use of body language to create relaxed and harmonious atmosphere in the classroom and lead students to learn voluntary.
  [1]Allwright and Beiley.English Teaching Methods[M].New York:University of Louisvile Press,1972.
【摘要】英语是一门语言学科,听、说、读、写能力是每个学生必须要掌握的基本能力。然而,就目前小学高年级英语教学情况来看,大多数英语教师将教学重点放在对学生“读”和“写”能力的培养上,而听说教学没有得到应有的重视,还存在诸多问题。素质教育背景下,英语教师要对此予以重视,找到当前听说教学的低效的原因并采取针对性的解决措施,帮助小学生正确听英语,正确说英语,以此提升学生的听说能力。  【关键词】小学;高年
在高中英语学习任务繁重的现状下,教师更要重视课堂教学效率,把课堂45分钟的效率发挥到极致才是上策。为此,教师要立足课改,借鉴好的经验和良策,优化教学,从教学手段,教学内容和教学提问策略等方面入手,优化课堂教学方法。  一、巧用教学媒体,优化教学资源  利用现代科技,把多媒体巧妙运用于高中英语课堂教学中,用多媒体课件呈现色彩鲜艳的图像,把抽象的单词学习和具体的画面结合起来,利用直观、形象和逼真的特点
【摘要】涉华英语新闻报道主要呈现题材广泛、固有模式等特点,在进行涉华英语新闻报道翻译时句子和词汇的过程中要妥善处理,始终捍卫政治立场与国家根本利益。现文章主要针对涉华英语新闻报道及翻译进行研究。  【关键词】涉华新闻;英语新闻;英语报道  【作者简介】曾屹君(1984.03-),女,汉族,河南开封人,硕士研究生,海南外国语职业学院国际商务系,副教授,研究方向:英语教学及翻译研究。  【基金项目】从
【摘要】随着教育的深化改革,新课标对于高校的公共英语的教学方法提出了新的要求。在信息化的今天,为了使得高校培养的学生满足社会发展的需要,需要在高校进行教学改革,使得基于任务驱动的教学理念能够深入各个高校,为国家培养出全面发展的复合型人才。  【关键词】公共英语;教学改革备;任务驱动;复合型人才  【作者简介】王丽清(1971-),女,汉族,内蒙古人,河套学院,本科,副教授,研究方向:英语教学。  
【摘要】英语教材的几番改革和更新后,阅读文本的体裁變化给英语阅读教学提出了新的课题。固守在“句型与词汇”下的教学方式已经不适用于新课程,新教材的目标要求,为了更好地对文本内涵的进行解读,对学生思维品质的进行锻造,本文就此在阅读教学中,侧重挖掘阅读的纵向深度,拓展阅读的横向广度,升华阅读主题的灵魂三个方面结合教学实例做了一些粗浅的探讨。  【关键词】教学模式;阅读教学;思维品质  【作者简介】胡雪敏
【摘要】在当今的小学英语教学中,越来越多的老师会采用绘本教学的方式来进行课堂教学。在这种教学模式下,能够使学生的思维被打开,从某一方面来说能够激发学生的情感。这些回本往往拥有图文并茂的特点,学生能够在此基础上有效的加强相关能力,对英语课堂的教学质量也有一定的提高。  【关键词】小学英语 绘本教学 辅助教学  从目前的小学教学环境来看,虽然整体的教学体系在不断的完善,但是其中的弊端也在体现出来。我们
【Abstract】Vocational teaching reform plays a very important role in deepening the reform of higher education. However, most of the present graduates have high scores but low ability, and lack of relat
【摘要】探究性学习活动作为课堂教学的实践课与拓展课,能辅助学生成为积极主动的参与者,成为学习的主体。在小学英语教学中,开展形式多样的探究性实践活动,能够激发学生的兴趣,为其语言的实践与应用提供平台。我将针对小学探究性学习活动开展的有效性性,结合“让教育回归生活”的核心教育理念采取三种不同形式进行探讨。  【关键词】小学英语;探究性学习;有效性  【作者简介】陈晓萍,苏州市平江实验学校。  “只要拥
【Abstract】 Negative capability, one of John Keats’s definition, has grown into a complex and multi-faceted concept through Keats’s poetic and philosophical elaboration and subsequent scholarly interpr