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如何选择题材是新闻写作中首先碰到的一个重要问题。对新闻写作涉足不深的年轻记者、通讯员,往往苦于难以看准题材的新闻价值,漏报错报有之,小题大作和大题小作有之。这里从四川石油报社一次新闻写作研究会上的几个实例谈谈新闻题材的选择。四川石油局所属川南矿区开发指挥部这几年在经营给汽车加天然气业务方面成效卓著,使用户由一个单位的六辆车,迅速发展到六十多个单位的 How to choose the theme is one of the most important problems encountered in news writing. Young journalists and correspondents who are not well-versed in news writing often suffer from the news value of subject matter that is difficult to spot, failing to report misstate and misleading stories, big problems and big problems. Here from the Sichuan Petroleum News a press conference of several examples at the press talk about the choice of topics. In the past few years, Sichuan Mine Development Command, owned by Sichuan Petroleum Administration, has achieved outstanding results in operating natural gas vehicles and automobiles. The rapid development of six vehicles from one unit to over 60 units
Background: Multi-view-omics datasets offer rich opportunities for integrative analysis across genomic,transcriptomic,and epigenetic data platforms.Statistical
Background:Since biological systems are complex and often involve multiple types of genomic relationships,tensor analysis methods can be utilized to elucidate t
Background:Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have fostered an unprecedented proliferation of highthroughput sequencing projects and a concomitant de
芝麻(Sesamum indicum L.)隶属于胡麻科胡麻属,在亚热带和温带地区广泛种植,富含优质的蛋白质、维生素、脂肪酸和氨基酸,是最古老的油料作物。茎点枯病是芝麻最严重的真菌病害之一,病原菌寄主范围广、抗逆能力强,再加上抗药性菌株的出现,直接影响到芝麻的产量、品质以及机械化操作。近年来,杀菌剂的广泛使用,造成环境污染、农药残留和生态问题。要求植物病理研究者探索环境友好型的措施防治芝麻茎点枯病
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is rapidly spreading in China and more than 30 countries over last two months.COVID-19 has multiple characte
Deep leaing is making major breakthrough in several areas of bioinformatics.Anticipating that this will occur soon for the single-cell RNA-seq data analysis,we
Background: RNA structure is the crucial basis for RNA function in various cellular processes.Over the last decade,high throughput structure profiling (SP) expe