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  1. We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and__________, dogs give us their all. (江西卷)
  A. in all B. in fact
  C. in short D. in return
  2. It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money__________ favors to them. (全国卷Ⅱ)
  A. in preference to B. in place of
  C. in agreement with D. in exchange for
  第1题答案为D,in return“作为回报”,符合句意。in all“共计”,in fact“实际上”,in short“简而言之”。第2题答案为D,in exchange for“交换”,in preference to“优先于”,in place of“代替”,in agreement with“同意,与……一致”。
  1. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this__________creates further problems. (2007年湖北卷)
  A. in short B. in case
  C. in doubt D. in turn
  解析 句意:人们通过开私家车来尽力避免公共交通延误,却制造了更多的问题。in turn可表示“反过来”,符合句意。in short“总之;简言之”,in case“万一;假使”,用作连词,in doubt“感到怀疑的,拿不准,不确定的”。答案为D。
  2. — I think he is taking an active part in social work.
  — I agree with you__________ . (2007年陕西卷)
  A. in a way B. on the way
  C. by the way D. in the way
  解析 句意:我认为他积极参加社会工作。在某种程度上我同意你的观点。in a way“在某种程度上;有点儿”,符合句意。on the way“在路上;即将发生”,by the way“顺便问一下”,in the way“阻碍;挡道”。答案为A。
  3.__________achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing grade. (2006年湖南卷)
  A. In terms of B. In case of
  C. As a result of D. In face of
  解析 句意为:就成就而言,尽管没有以失败告终,上星期这儿的世贸部长会议只获得了一个小小的成绩。”in terms of “就……而言”,符合句意。in case of “万一;以防”;as a result of “作为……的结果”;in face of “面临……”。答案为A。
  4. You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request__________ a question. (2009年湖北卷)
  A. in search of B. in the form of
  C. in need of D. in the direction of
  解析 句意:如果你用问题的形式来做出请求,你将使人听上去更有礼貌。in the form of意为“用……形式”,符合句意。in search of“寻求”,in need of“需要”,in the direction of“朝……方向”。答案为B。
  5. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was__________it. (2006年陕西卷)
  A. in favour of B. in memory of
  C. in honour of D. in search of
  解析 句意为:我的姐姐反对我的建议,我的哥哥却赞同。in favour of “赞同;支持”,符合句意。in memory of “为纪念”;in honour of“为向……表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念”;in search of“寻找”。答案为A。
  6. His efforts to raise money for his program were__________ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. (2009年湖北卷)
  A. in place B. in sight
  C. in effect D. in vain
  解析 句意:他为他的项目募集资金的努力都白费了,因为没有人有从自己口袋掏出一分钱的打算。in vain“徒劳的,无效”,符合句意。in place“适当的;在适当的地方”,in sight“看得见的;在望”,in effect“实际上;生效”。答案为D。
  7. Many Chinese universities provided scholarships for students__________financial aid. (2009年天津卷)
  A. in favour of B. in honour of
  C. in face of D. in need of
  解析 句意:很多中国大学向需要经济援助的学生提供奖学金。in need of 意为“需要……”,在句中作定语,修饰students。in favour of “支持,赞成”;in honour of “为纪念;为庆祝……”;in face of “面对……”。答案为D。
  8. When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have__________for her, but now all her worries are gone. (2008年湖北卷)
  A. in need B. in time
  C. in preparation D. in store
  解析 句意:当她首次到中国,她不知道未来等待她的是什么,但现在她所有的焦虑都没有了。have ... in store意为“有……要发生;……即将到来”,符合句意。in need“需要”,in time“及时”,in preparation“在准备中”。
  1. I’m afraid that your arrival at present is not quite__________ , depending on the embarrassed situation here.
  A. in practice B. in demand
  C. in place D. in order
  2. If you are always driving like this, there will be an accident__________for you sooner or later.
  A. in need__________ B. in time
  C. in preparation D. in store
  3. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged__________how large their achievements are.
  A. at the mercy of B. in terms of
  C. in the eyes of D. in honour of
  4. Nowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance__________that they or their family members need medical treatment.
  A. in order B. in need
  C. in case D. in hope
  5. It is the sixth month__________in which exports have fallen because of the economy crisis.
  A. in a row__________ B. in total
  C. in all__________ D. in order
  6. He was told to finish his speech__________; accordingly, he had to shorten his well-prepared speech.
  A. in short B. in brief
  C. in advance D. in detail
  7. The newly-built shopping mall provides goods that compete__________product quality, reliability and above all variety.
  A. in honor of B. in terms of
  C. in the name of D. in the form of
  8. My clothes were beginning to rot; my stockings__________were quite worn through.
  A. in general B. in short
  C. in particular D. in addition
  9. I like to put everything__________so that I can find it easily.
  A. in time B. in place
  C. in all D. in general
  10. Premier Wen said, “I once again emphasize that it is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice people’s life and health__________the economic development in any case.”
  A. in the hope of B. in return for
  C. in the face of D. in exchange for
有一条小溪流在森林里迷了路,和哥哥姐姐们走散了。他在森林里转来转去,转了七天七夜,怎么也找不到哥哥姐姐,他伤心地哭了。 There was a stream that lost its way in the
饥肠辘辘的你想要吃碗面,面前有A、B两家牛肉面。你看不出两家店有什么差别。A店一碗面45元,B店一碗面35元,你有一张A店的10元优惠券(别管哪儿来的)。  你会选哪家?我问了几个朋友。“肯定选A呀!”他们似乎觉得这个问题很蠢,“便宜没好货,好货不便宜,同样的价格,为什么不买好的?”  事实上,尽管互联网带来了前所未有的信息透明,信息不对称依然是市场博弈中最基本的手段。作为消费者,你永远不可能得到