Some Considerations on Developmental Strategies in the Fields of Resources and the Environment

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiang0122
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The overall situation of the world’s current disciplinary development in the sci- ences dealing with resources and the envi- ro nm e n t fe a tu res th e fo llo win g characteristics: the guiding thoughts of holism and systematics are leading a grow- ing trend of all-round enhancement while inter-disciplinary integration and cross- breeding between the natural sciences and social sciences or the humanities are emerging in the research of resources and environment problems; the holistic, regional and systematic approaches have become the research mainstream, more attention is paid to the long-term and continuous accumulation of data and a country’s strategic demands in the resources and environment fields are more clearly defined and stepped up. Based on an analysis of the holistic situation, stra- tegic focuses for the research work of the CAS in resources and environment fields are selected when the academy faces the na- tional demands and global S&T frontiers. These focuses include prospecting theories and technologies for energy and mineral resources in urgent need, regional envi- ronment evolution and global change, oceanographic research, rebuilding the deteriorated ecosystems and expertise in the protection and revival of fragile ecosystems, the impact of environmental pollution on ecological security, human health and pol- lution control. The overall situation of the world’s current disciplinary development in the sci- ences dealing with resources and the envi- ro nm ent fe a tu res th e fo llo win g characteristics: the guiding thoughts of holism and systematics are leading a growth- ing trend of all-round enhancement while inter-disciplinary integration and cross- breeding between the natural sciences and social sciences or the humanities are emerging in the research of resources and environment problems; the holistic, regional and systematic approaches have become the research mainstream, more attention is paid to the long-term and continuous accumulation of data and a country’s strategic demands in the resources and environment fields are clearly defined and stepped up. Based on an analysis of the holistic situation, stra- tegic focuses for the research work of the CAS in resources and environment fields are selected when the academy faces the na- tional demands and global S & T frontier s. These focuses include prospecting theories and technologies for energy and mineral resources in urgent need, regional envi- ronment evolution and global change, oceanographic research, rebuilding the deteriorated ecosystems and expertise in the protection and revival of fragile ecosystems, the impact of environmental pollution on ecological security, human health and polution control.
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