Mechanism of human immunodeficiency virus type I entry into the target cells

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pdahome
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Based on the recent advances of the research on the mechanism of HIV-1 infection, a novel model to elucidate the mechanism of HIV entry into the target cells is proposed and the perspective about the putative receptor is discussed in this review. Understanding of the crystal structure of HIV-1 transmembrane protein gp41 and the functions of HIV-1 receptor, co-receptor and the putative receptor will lead to developing effective HIV vaccine and anti-HIV drugs. Based on the recent advances of the research on the mechanism of HIV-1 infection, a novel model to elucidate the mechanism of HIV entry into the target cells is proposed and the perspective about the putative receptor is discussed in this review. Understanding of the crystal structure of HIV-1 transmembrane protein gp41 and the functions of HIV-1 receptor, co-receptor and the putative receptor will lead to developing effective HIV vaccine and anti-HIV drugs.
20 0 2年 3月 3 1日至 4月 2日 ,2 0 0 2年全国暖通空调计算机应用研讨会在长沙召开。本次年会为中国建筑学会暖通空调专业委员会例行的全国性专业学术年会 ,由中南大学承办
本文以Fulfillment指数和最终死于某死因的概率为指标分析了1990的哈尔滨市居民死亡原因。资料与方法 1.编制简略寿命表所用的1990年哈尔滨市居民人口数及死亡数,摘自哈尔滨
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向小鼠采用一次及多次注入T细胞促有丝分裂剂植物血凝素铝吸附物(Alum-PHA)后,应用免疫组化方法观察淋巴小结的形成。实验分 1次注入及 3次注入组,不同时期取出 淋巴结后,用免疫组化法、三维