坚定信心 迎难而上 扎扎实实地做好新一年的各项工作 李勇武局长在局直机关总结大会上作重要讲话

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国家石油和化学工业局党组书记、局长李勇武在2月26日召开的1998年度局机关和在京直属单位总结大会上,对1998年特别是石化局组建以来的工作进行了总结,对1999年的工作明确提出了要抓好四个切入点,集中精力研究和解决制约行业发展的主要矛盾和影响经济效益的主要问题,切实改进机关的工作方式、工作方法和工作作风,以适应新职能的要求,确保石油和化工行业今年目标的实现。现将李勇武局长的讲话摘编如下: Li Yongwu, party secretary and director of the State Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau, summarized the work since 1998, especially since the founding of the Sinopec Bureau of Petrochemical Industry, in the General Bureau of the State Council in 1998 and the General Assembly directly under Beijing on February 26. In 1999, The work clearly pointed out that we should do a good job in four entry points, concentrate on studying and resolving the major contradictions restricting the development of the industry and the major problems affecting economic benefits, and earnestly improve the working methods, working methods and work style of the organs so as to meet the requirements of the new functions , To ensure that the oil and chemical industry to achieve this year’s goal. Now the speech of Secretary-General Li Yongwu is summarized as follows:
结合工作实践,对照谷社型坝存在的问题及原因进行了分析,并对加固处理中的一些思路进行了探讨,供同行参考。 Based on the work practice, the problems and causes of the
面对新的市场环境,电子制造企业要将其传统的以产品为中心转向产品与服务并重,把业务重点扩展到能够满足消费者对卓越体验需求的关联服务。    电子产品行业是当今发展最快的行业之一。随着网络接入能力和高速连接的不断发展,这些互连设备的潜在用户数将不断增加,他们的体验需求也日益提高。如今,电子产品行业关注的焦点已经明显集中于消费者的体验。    体验时代中的消费者  要想在这个以体验为中心的时代取得成功,
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We demonstrate a 30-W all-fiberized laser in a master oscillator power amplifier(MOPA) structure with a central wavelength of 1 950 nm.The laser is a continuous
采用氨茶碱加抗生素治疗小儿喘息性疾病50例,疗效显著优于采用抗生素激素治疗的对照组(P<0.01),无明显副反应。并对其机理进行讨论。 Adopting aminophylline and antibiotics to