A constitutive model based on the evolution and coalescence of elliptical micro-cracks for quasi-bri

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my_sunday_tongxing
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Damage and failure of quasi-brittle materials are caused by the evolution and coalescence of micro-cracks.To solve the problem of elliptical micro-crack growth at the elastic deformation stage,a method of complex potential functions is proposed and the effect of the initial orientation on micro-crack growth and deflection is discussed.The critical stress condition for the initial damage is derived according to the criterion of micro-crack growth.Based on energy conservation during wing-crack propagation,a damage constitutive model is developed with the strain criterion created in the condition of micro-crack coalescence.The stress-strain curves of quasi-brittle materials in uniaxial compression obtained based on this model are examined with the experimental results. Damage and failure of quasi-brittle materials are caused by the evolution and coalescence of micro-cracks. To solve the problem of elliptical micro-crack growth at the elastic deformation stage, a method of complex potential functions is proposed and the effect of the initial oriented on micro-crack growth and deflection is discussed. The critical stress condition for the initial damage is derived according to the criterion of micro-crack growth. criterion created in the condition of micro-crack coalescence. stress-strain curves of quasi-brittle materials in uniaxial compression obtained based on this model are examined with the experimental results.
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