罗仕芬 荷花仙子

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罗仕芬,画家,中国书画艺术委员会艺术委员、当代藏典书画艺术研究院特约画家、中国文人美术家协会会员、北京清华民族画院画师。多年来得诸多书画名家指点,后深造于中央美术学院国画系研修班,多年来勤奋耕耘,主攻写意花鸟。《清风送香》获纪念毛泽东诞辰110周年活动优秀作品一等奖。《留得残荷听雨声》获第二届吴道子美术基金大展、第四届中国书画名家大奖赛银奖。多幅作品被入选《中国书画名家作品选集》、《世界华人书画作品精品选》、《中国当代书画名家精品大典》、《中国当代著名书画家珍品选》(修订本),《中国近现代书画选集》、《中国书画藏典》、《中国书画名家大典》、《中华魂——庆祝中华人民共和国成立52周年书画集》、《中国当代书画作品博览》等十几部书。不少作品曾赴美、日、法、港、澳、台等国家和地区参展,并被收藏。其传略被编入《中国英才》、《中国女性》、《中国书画杂志》等刊物。其作品以凝炼灵动的笔墨,描述出博大精深的内涵,体现了她对生活深入的观察和对事物本质的深刻的把握。个性鲜明,神采飞扬,用笔简洁流畅、章法考究规范、刻画细致真切,意蕴深远隽永。无论是谋篇布局还是笔墨渲染,都显示出其娴熟的艺术功力,创造性地实现了艺术境界与表达手法,自由王国与现实空间的和谐统一,其作品是激情与灵感的自然流露,给人以极大的艺术享受,从多种角度折射出其馨香的品德和高洁的志向。 Luo Shifen, painter, art commissioner of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Committee, special painter of Contemporary Tibetan Art Research Institute, member of Chinese Literati Artists Association, painter of Tsinghua Chinese Painting Academy in Beijing. Over the years a lot of calligraphy and painting famous pointing, after graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts Chinese painting seminars, hard work over the years, the main freehand flowers and birds. “Breeze to send incense” won the first prize in commemorating the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong outstanding works. “Residual listening to rain” won the second session of Wu Taozi Art Fund Exhibition, the fourth Chinese Grand Prix of calligraphy and painting Silver Award. His works have been selected as one of the “Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphists and Painters,” “Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphies and Paintings from the World,” “Contemporary Chinese Painters and Calligraphers,” “Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Painters and Painters (Revised Edition),” “Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Selected Works ”,“ Chinese Collection of Calligraphy and Painting ”,“ Famous Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Festival ”,“ Chinese Soul - Celebrating the 52nd Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China ”and“ Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works Exhibition ”. Many works have been to the United States, Japan, France, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and regions exhibitors, and was collected. His biography was compiled into “China Talent”, “Chinese women”, “Chinese calligraphy and painting magazine” and other publications. His works, with his refined brushwork and ink, depict the profound connotation, reflecting her deep observation of life and profound grasp of the essence of things. Distinctive personality, high spirits, simple and fluent pen, statutory rules and regulations, portraits detailed and real, meaning meaningful. Whether it is seeking layouts or writing and rendering, it shows its skillful artistic skill, creatively realizes the artistic realms and expressions, and the harmonious unity of the free kingdom and the real space. Its work is a natural expression of passion and inspiration, Great artistic enjoyment, from a variety of perspectives reflects the fragrance of its character and noble aspirations.
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