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森林里藏匿着一种神奇的生物,它的名字叫大龙猫。它有着圆滚滚的庞大身躯与软软的毛,晚上会领着自己的小朋友在树枝的最顶端吹出悠扬的乐曲,下雨的时候戴着一顶荷叶小帽,要回家的时候则召来它威风凛凛的龙猫公交车。你只能巧遇它,却无法找寻它。它会慷慨地帮助小朋友,只要它乐意。它淘气又无邪,如果你第一次见到它,不要被它惊天动地的吼叫声吓到,它只是在同你玩,你只要奋力地、尽情地以你最大的叫声回敬它的吼叫,那么它就会和你成为 The forest hides a magical creature, its name is Great Totoro. It has a huge body with a round and soft hair, at night will lead their children blowing the melodious music at the top of the branches, wearing a lotus leaf cap when it rains, it is called when going home Majestic chinatown bus. You can only meet it, but can not find it. It will generously help children, as long as it is happy. It is naughty and innocent, and if you see it for the first time, do not be scared by its earth-shaking roar, it’s just about playing with you, and as long as you work hard, you will revere its roar with your utmost noise, Then it will be with you
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对外经济贸易活动中因供货商与外贸经营企业间签订的合同性质不明,导致支付货款责任主体纷争,已成此类案件司法审查的难点。于纷繁复杂的合同条款约定中,甄别当事人之间的真实法律关系,进而确定责任主体,不仅需要合理运用合同解释原理,透过合同文字探寻当事人的真实意思;更需要凭借对各种法律关系特征的准确把握,对合同性质作出正确界定。  以下介紹的这起外贸代理纠纷再审案件,围绕当事人签订的《产品购销合同》是买卖合
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