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从世界范围来看,美国反垄断法无疑是最具代表性的反垄断法律,从其诞生至今,一直走在世界的前列。其规制模式的发展历程,对于我国反垄断法的发展有着重要的借鉴意义。但法律应当与本土环境相结合,适应美国国情的行为主义模式并不完全符合当前我国的经济发展的要求。通过市场结构的调整,并随着市场对于反垄断法律的适应,我们要导入结构主义规制模式,从而瓦解多年以来形成的垄断壁垒,形成有效的市场竞争秩序。 From a global perspective, the United States antitrust law is undoubtedly the most representative antitrust law, from its birth to now, has been in the forefront of the world. The development of its regulatory model has an important reference for the development of antitrust law in our country. However, the law should be combined with the local environment, and the behavioral model that adapts to the national conditions of the United States does not exactly meet the requirements of China’s current economic development. Through the adjustment of the market structure and with the adaptation of the market to the antitrust laws, we must import the structuralist regulatory model so as to disrupt the monopoly barriers formed over the years and form an effective market competition order.
本文以SiC纤维为例对纤维模量的测定法进行了探讨,证明校正法测量更接近真实值。 In this paper, SiC fiber as an example of the determination of fiber modulus were di
各种金属基复合材料的制造方法及其用途归类列表如下一、金属纤维/金属基体系列: A variety of metal matrix composites manufacturing methods and their use classified
利用玻璃包熔在悬浮熔炼装置上,通过多次热循环的方法,使处于真空条件下的亚共晶 Fe-C-Si 合金熔体获得深过冷。试验结果表明:随着循环次数的增加,过冷度增大,而凝固组织中的
我的童年是在鲁西平原的一个小村子里度過的。父亲在离我们一百多里地的临清县城工作,母亲则在家里带着我和两个姐姐过着俭朴而充实的日子。  在上个世纪六七十年代,农村并不像今天富裕。特别是我们村,是穷得“挂了号”的。水是咸的,地是碱的,到了冬天,远看白茫茫一片,近看盐碱遍布,每年的庄稼收成总是少得可怜。青黄不接的日子,大人小孩便只盼着吃救济粮了。我七岁那年,有一日把母亲放在桌上的公粮本叠成了“四角”,和
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