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杨树叶甲在苗木生长的5~9月期间,对幼苗的嫩叶新梢均有不同程度的危害,严重影响着苗木的生长速度和质量。现将其分布危害、生活习性及防治措施介绍如下:一、分布及危害1.杨树叶甲危害许多杨树品种,如俄罗斯杨、钻天杨、健杨、胡杨等。由于苗圃地特殊的地理环境,种植密度大,枯枝落叶层厚,为其提供了隐蔽的生存环境,利于其滋生和蔓延。2.危害虫态中以成虫的危害最大,成虫主要取食新梢及嫩叶,常常造成主梢秃顶,影响苗杆的正常生长。1~2龄的幼虫以5~8头群聚在叶背面,沿叶脉处取食叶肉,最后只残留表皮和叶脉,使被害叶片成网状。3龄以后的幼虫分散取食,使幼嫩的叶片呈缺刻状。杨树叶片被成虫或幼虫危害后,叶片及嫩尖分泌 Poplar leaf during the growth of seedlings during May to September, young shoots of young seedlings have varying degrees of harm, seriously affecting the growth rate and quality of seedlings. Now its distribution hazards, habits and prevention measures are described below: First, the distribution and damage 1. Poplar leafhopper endanger many poplar varieties, such as Russian poplar, drilling days Yang, Jian Yang, Populus and so on. Due to the special geographical environment of nursery, planting density, litter layer thick, providing a hidden living environment conducive to its breeding and spread. 2. Harm insects in the most harmful adult worms, adult feeding the main shoots and young leaves, and often lead to the main bald bald, affecting the normal growth of seedlings pole. The larvae of 1 to 2 instar groups clustered on the back of the leaves with 5 to 8 heads, fed the mesophyll along the veins, leaving only the epidermis and veins at the end, causing the victim leaves to reticulate. 3 larvae after 3 years of feeding, the young leaves were nick-shaped. Poplar leaves adults or larvae damage, leaves and tender tip secretion
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