
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxtctb
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“我的车不是冰冷的机器,它是我一起奋斗的挚友。我们翻山越岭,风尘仆仆,朝着幸福不知疲惫地前进。灯火阑珊,它是我温柔的港湾,它很美,生活很美。”2013年3月,商用汽车杂志官方微博借助新浪微博的“晒照片”平台开展“#客车之美##卡车之美#”线上主题摄影赛。活动自3月6日开始以来,收到大量参赛作品。 “My car is not a cold machine, it is my best friend to work together .We climb the mountains, dusty, unwilling to go forward happiness .Light, it is my gentle harbor, it is beautiful, life is very ”In March 2013, the official micro-blog of the Commercial Auto Magazine was launched on Sina Weibo’s“ Sun Photo ”platform to launch the # # # Beauty in Passenger Cars # # Beauty in Truck #" online themed photo contest. Since March 6, the event has received a large number of entries.
Objective This study was undertaken to evaluate whether the administration of meperidine decreases the length of labor in patients with a diagnosis of dystocia
Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between preinduction modified Bishops score and obstetric outcome, including successful v
The authors present two cases of pregnant women with coagulation disorders one with inherited deficiency of factor VII and the second with chronic hepatitis.
针对学校扩招后实施信息检索课教学时所遇到的问题,从教师队伍建设、教材建设、教学方式诸方面探索信息检索课程教学改革的有效途径。 In order to solve the problems enco