Analysis of the Role“Nick Carraway”in The Great Gatsby

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  【Abstract】This paper attempts to concentrate on the often-neglected character Nick in The Great Gatsby from the aspect of his structural and thematic roles in the novel. Nick is confronted with the struggle of two kinds of moral values. His attitude is shifted from the tolerance for the rich and contempt for Gatsby to the contempt for the rich and sympathy for Gatsby. Fitzgerald makes Nick to play the significant role among all leading actors, the link in the structure and the revealer of the theme.
  【Key words】The Great Gatsby; Nick Carraway; Role; Link; Revealer
  The Great Gatsby is the masterpiece of Scott F. Fitzgerald, the publication of which brought immediate success and fame to the author. No one can deny that Nick plays a significant role in this great novel, both in the structure and theme.
  1. The link in the structure
  Nick, as well as Fitzgerald, was born in a wealthy family in the western of Central America. After the WWI, he came to New York for bond business. After the arrival, he kept in touch with his cousin Daisy, and her husband Tom;at the same time, occasionally with his neighbor Gatsby. That’s to say, he contacted with various characters of different social classes, which constitutes the unique and non-substitutable role in the novel. In this novel, he is both inside, for he is the connection of all major characters, and important role of the story and outside, for he has only indirect connection with the conflicts and paradoxes, an objective, sensible judge.
  As an outsider, who also keeps a distance with the Buchanans and Gatsby, it’s possible for him to stand out of the event and make a comment objectively. On the other hand, he isn’t an outsider completely, while he is an important participant in all events of the story. He joins in the carnival of Tom and his lover. He helps Gatsby to contact with Daisy and contributes in their togetherness. He experiences the drastic fighting between Tom and Gatsby and Daisy drives unconsciously with the alcohol effect and kills Tom’s lover on the scene. At the end of the novel, out of responsibility and consciousness, Nick deals with Gatsby’s funeral. For all of these, Nick, as a participant, comments from the ethic and emotional aspect. He expresses his opinion to every reader honestly, considering this it’s undoubtedly to say that Nick plays an indispensable role in the construction of this novel.
  2. The revealer of the theme   Nick played as a link in structure, more than that, his double identity made his judgments on the major characters comprehensive and objective. His comments constituted an indispensable effect on developing and deepening the theme. This work’s theme is dream and reality, innocence and worldliness, which thoroughly represented through Nick. “In the face of new world, the last or greatest dream is likely to come into being.” Nick gets tired and disappointed about the life of the East Coast of American. This is exactly the idea of the writer: Nick serves with the tongue of the writer;he tells readers all the details about Gatsby by reminding his memory with his sighs. Readers can easily realize the tone of sadness and idleness in the seeming just narration of Nick. That is the measure Fitzgerald took to pass on his own opinion of the change of Gatsby: he is polluted by the adoration of material and the addiction of sex, wine and drugs, which are the three marks of the Jazz Age.
  3. Conclusion
  The Great Gatsby is not only a novel of Gatsby, but also a story about Nick Carraway. He explained the characters in his own way, without outsider feeling but objective. Fitzgerald ingeniously taking advantage of Nick, immerged himself in the narration, and keeping a distance with the work to analyze objectively.
  [1]F.Scott Fitzgerald,The Great Gatsby,Three Great American novels.New York:Charles Scribner’s sons,1953.
  [3]隋亚男.浮华阅尽别见天——《了不起的盖茨比》中尼克的成长解读[J].中南林业科技大学学报(社会 科学版),2012,(5).
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初春,阳光明媚。我们一群朋友带着孩子相约到城郊开荒种菜。  我给女儿小米穿上米姥姥给做的工作服,小球鞋,虽说看起来有点土气,但是米爸说,这才像是干活的样儿。  小米见到了小伙伴儿璐璐、甜甜和皮皮,孩子们叽叽喳喳,开心极了。璐璐和甜甜是双胞胎,都穿着好看的毛呢大衣,带着玫红色的帽子,小皮鞋亮得发光,头上的蝴蝶发卡随着微风翩翩起舞,很是好看。璐璐妈一副洋洋得意的模样,说,这套行头是托朋友从国外代购来的