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我省民族工作能够持续保持向好势头,是省委省政府正确领导的结果,也是省直各部门合力支持的结果。2013年,省委、省人大、省政府、省政协领导多次听取民族工作汇报;省委书记徐守盛、省长杜家毫多次深入到湘西州、怀化市等民族地区调研办公,帮助解决发展难题;省政协主席陈求发亲自主持武陵山片区开发专题调研,为民族地区的发展争取政策支持;省委副书记孙金龙深入湘西、张家界、怀化等地调研,研究民族 The province’s ethnic work can continue to maintain its momentum, is the result of the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government, provincial departments directly under the joint support of the results. In 2013, the leaders of the provincial party committee, provincial people’s congress, provincial government and provincial CPPCC have repeatedly listened to reports on ethnic work; Provincial Party Secretary Xu Shousheng and provincial governor Du Jiazhai visited the ethnic minority regions such as Xiangxi Prefecture and Huaihua City several times to help solve the problem of development Problems; the provincial CPPCC Chairman Chen Qiaofa personally presided over the Wuling Mountain Area Development special investigations for the development of ethnic areas for policy support; Provincial Party Committee Secretary Sun Jinlong depth Xiangxi, Zhangjiajie, Huaihua and other places to study and study the nation
我们刚刚收到丽台的WinFast Geforce 2GTS,一款基于NVIDIA最新推出的Geforce 2 GTS 3D图形芯片的3D图形卡,它板载的显存数量达到了令人惊讶的64MB。 Geforce 2 GTS是NVIDIA
A Ru-La/ZrO2 catalyst was prepared by the precipitation method, in which Ru was an active component, La was a promoter and ZrO2 was a dispersant. Comparing with
基本药物是适应基本医疗卫生需求,剂型适宜,价格合理,能够保障供应,公众可公平获得的药品。《国家基本药物目录》是医疗卫生机构配备使用药品的依据。 Essential medicines
介绍了螺纹紧固件 ,即螺栓、螺钉、螺柱、螺母、垫圈等的标记以及标记中各参数的含义 ,并对新增加的螺纹紧固件以及螺套的简化画法进行对比介绍。 This paper introduces th
你一定不会认为PC已经过时了,对吧?但你也不太清楚这么多PC间有什么不同。现在让我来告诉你怎样选择对自己最合适的PC。 You certainly do not think the PC is out of date
在接连不断的贸易摩擦中,中国企业只有更多地了解国际形势与当地情况,才能在海外经营中小心地绕过“雷区” In a series of trade frictions, only by understanding more a
大家知道,无论是 PC还是 MODEM这样的外设配件,都已经进入消费时代,而高科技产品一旦进入消费市场,我们必然会遭遇困惑和尴尬,因为我们的 IT企业原先是不熟悉这个领域的。大家熟悉