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结合大庆石化炼油厂消防系统改造工程在公司应急保障能力建设应用实例,详细介绍了炼油厂改造前临高压消防系统概况和改造后稳高压消防应急系统概况;并对二者进行比较,总结出稳高压消防应急系统的优点缺点。稳高压消防系统应用后大大强化了大庆石化公司应急保障能力。 Combined with the fire protection system renovation project of Daqing Petrochemical Refinery, this paper introduces the application of emergency support capability in the company, and introduces in detail the general situation of high pressure fire protection system before retrofitting refinery and the general situation of stable high pressure fire emergency system after reconstruction; High-pressure fire emergency system advantages and disadvantages. Stable high-pressure fire protection system greatly enhanced Daqing Petrochemical Company emergency support capabilities.
基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinases,MMPs)及其抑制物(matrix metalloproteinases inhibitor ,TIMPs)在正常子宫内膜及子宫内膜病变中的重要作用日益受到关注.本文就此作一综述。
In order to achieve the improvement of the driving comfort and energy efficiency,an new e-CVT flexible full hybrid electric system(E2FHS) is proposed,which uses
目的 评价99Tc 亚甲基二膦酸盐 (99Tc MDP ,“云克”)与免疫抑制疗法治疗Graves’眼病(GO)的疗效。方法  42例中~重度GO患者 ,随机分为试验组与对照组 ,试验组采用静脉推注
目的比较类风湿关节炎 (rheumatoid arthritis, RA)与骨性关节炎( osteoarthritis, OA)成纤维样滑膜细胞 (fibroblast like synoviocytes, FLS)蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化状态的差异。
目的 探讨心脏瓣膜病变与系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)病人的其他临床特征和某些并发症之间的联系。方法  10 4例SLE病人行超声心动图 (UCG)检查和有关狼疮的临床和实验室评价 ,UC