Integrated metabolo-transcriptomics and functional characterization reveals that the wheat auxin rec

来源 :植物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jff3551
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Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe (teleomorph Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Perch) results in large yield losses in annual global wheat production. Although studies have identified a number of wheat FHB resistance genes, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms under-lying host plant resistance to F. graminearum is required for the control of FHB. Here, an integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis of infected wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) enabled identification of 789 differentially accumulated me-tabolites, including flavonoids, phenolamides, trypt-amine derivatives, and phytohormones, and re-vealed altered expression of more than 100 genes that function in the biosynthesis or regulation of these pathways. Our data regarding the effects of F. graminearum infection on flavonoids and auxin signaling led to follow-up experiments that showed that exogenous kaempferide and apigenin applica-tion on spikes increased wheat resistance to FHB, while exogenous auxin treatment increased FHB susceptibility. RNAi-mediated knockdown of the gene encoding the auxin receptor, TaTIR1, increased FHB resistance. Our data supported the use of TaTIR1 knockdown in controlling FHB. Our study provides insights on the wheat response to F. graminearum infection and its FHB resistance mechanisms while illustrating the potential of TaTIR1 knockdown in increasing FHB resistance during crop improvement programs.
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【摘 要】历史活动课是在新一轮基础教育课程改革实验中诞生的一种全新的课堂教学形式。它遵循“以活动促发展”的现代教育理念,在教师的指导下,按照常规教学内容和进度,以课堂为基本阵地,以学生的主体活动为基本特征,让学生通过自主活动,自主思考、自主探索、自主实践引导学生,在历史情境中、活动中去体验,在历史情境活动中去发展。  【关键词】历史教学;探究活动; 指导协作  【中图分类号】G633.51
最新大棚甜瓜——甜露 植株生长健壮,易坐果,易管理,适于温室或大硼栽培。早熟,开花至果熟27天左右。果实椭圆形,金黄色,有银白条带。果肉白色,肉厚3厘米,肉质细脆,味香甜,