Orientation of cylindrical particles in gas-solid circulating fluidized bed

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaohenghao
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The orientation of cylindrical particles in a gas-solid circulating fluidized bed was investigated by establishing a three-dimensional Euler-Lagrange model on the basis of rigid kinetics, impact kinetics and gas-solid two-phase flow theory. The resulting simulation indicated that the model could well illustrate the orientation of cylindrical particles in a riser during fluidization. The influences of bed structure and operation parameters on orientation of cylindrical particles were then studied and compared with related experimental results. The simulation results showed that the majority of cylindrical particles move with small nutation angles in the riser, the orientation of cylindrical particles is affected more obviously by their positions than by their slenderness and local gas velocities. The simulation results well agree with experiments, thus validating the proposed model and computation. The orientation of cylindrical particles in a gas-solid circulating fluidized bed was investigated by establishing a three-dimensional Euler-Lagrange model on the basis of rigid kinetics, impact kinetics and gas-solid two-phase flow theory. The resulting simulation that the model could well illustrate the orientation of cylindrical particles in a riser during fluidization. The influences of bed structure and operation parameters on orientation of cylindrical particles then then studied and compared with related experimental results. The simulation results showed that the majority of cylindrical particles move with small nutation angles in the riser, the orientation of cylindrical particles is affected more obviously by their positions than by their slenderness and local gas velocities. thus simulating the proposed model and computation.
1 病例报告患者,女,23岁,未婚。因下腹包块1月,于1997年6月13日入院。患者既往月经规律,末次月经为1997年5月25日,否认有性生活史。1月前无意扪及下腹包块如儿头大小,无压痛,当地B超检查提示:卵巢囊肿。1月
<正> 任何统计工作,都可分出三个连续的阶段。第一个阶段是科学地去组织与所研究的现象或过程有关的事物的登记和蒐集工作。这一阶段通常称为统计调查。在这一阶段上,统计要详细记录每个个别的事物,详细登记所研究的标识在每个个别事物上的个别表现。这就是说,在这一阶段上统计所处理的是个别的、个体的东西。在这一阶段上所特有的统计方法是大量观察法。统计调查永远是大量观察。
笔者对36例宫外孕B超诊断与手术对照,分析其误漏诊原因,提高B超对本病的诊断率,报道如下。1 临床资料本组36例,年龄18~39岁,有明显停经史18例,附件触及包块8例,阴道不规则出