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新一轮教育教学改革在全国展开已经将有七个年头,她给中国教育带来了蓬勃生机,广大师生从新课改中吸取了大量鲜活的教育教学营养,中国教育呈现一派喜人空前的景象。以此同时,伴随着新课程教学改革的不断纵深发展,新课改或多或少也会带一些教学中操作层面上的负面影响,产生一些不尽人意的问题。比如:课堂教学资源的有效性问题;一味地模仿别人的教学模式,缺乏教学个性和创新问题;课堂教学的形式主义问题等等。本文从教学有效性、教学模式、学习方法、评价方式、合作学习、合理开发教学资源等几方面论述课堂教学资源合理开发,克服教学中的形式主义。以此供给广大教育教学工作者开展教研活动的论资。 The new round of education and teaching reform has been going on throughout the country for seven years. She has brought vigorous vitality to Chinese education. The majority of teachers and students have learned a great deal of fresh teaching and nutrition from the new curriculum reform. scene. At the same time, along with the constant development of the new curriculum reform, the new curriculum reform will bring some negative influences on the operational aspects of teaching more or less, resulting in unsatisfactory problems. For example: the effectiveness of classroom teaching resources; blindly imitate other people’s teaching model, the lack of teaching personality and innovation issues; classroom teaching formalism and so on. This article discusses the rational development of classroom teaching resources from the aspects of teaching effectiveness, teaching mode, learning methods, evaluation methods, cooperative learning, and rational development of teaching resources, to overcome the formalism in teaching. In order to provide education and teaching workers to carry out teaching and research activities of the capital.
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