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为贯彻落实国家西部开发的战略部署,加速西藏发展步伐,西藏自治区办公厅、科技厅、科协、中国科学院地学部、中国工程院能源与矿业工程学部、中国科学院人事教育局、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所和中国青藏高原研究会8月下旬共同组织了“西部开发与西藏发展战略高层研讨会”。有16位院士和26位专家就西藏如何实现跨越式发展,围绕西藏的资源、生态环境、经济、社会等问题发表了见解,现将部分观点摘要发表。 In order to implement the strategic plan for the development of the western region and accelerate the pace of development in Tibet, the Tibet Autonomous Regional Office, Science and Technology Department, CAST, Department of Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Department of Energy and Mining Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Personnel Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Institute of Resources and China’s Tibetan Plateau Research Association jointly organized the “High-level Seminar on Western Development and Tibet Development Strategy” in late August. There are 16 academicians and 26 experts on how to achieve leaps and bounds in Tibet and make opinions on issues concerning resources, ecological environment, economy and society in Tibet. A summary of some of the views is now published.
By using a new reaction model for light nuclei, the double-differential cross section of total outgoing neutronwith LUNF code for n + ~(16)O reactions at E_n=1
The single charged top-pion production processes e~+e~-→tΠ_t~- and e~+e~-→W~+Π_t~- are studied in theframework of top-color-assisted technicolor(TC2)model.
Since the man-machine interfaces (MMI) of a main control room provide the control platform of a nuclear power plant (NPP), the development of the design quality
人类何时开始玩游戏?考古发现证明,人类至少在5000年前就在玩游戏。那时人们在做什么游戏呢?  掷骰子——人类最早的游戏  考古学家在中美洲发现了距今约有5000年历史的疑为骰子记分牌的圆孔,这是迄今为止发现的最早人类进行游戏活动的历史证据。  古中美洲从墨西哥一直延伸至哥斯达黎加。查图托人在大约3500年至7500年前生活在如今的墨西哥南部海岸地区。1988年,考古学家沃希斯在查图托人垒砌的土堆